法王新闻 | 2006年01月


地點:印度 瓦拉那西 創古智慧金剛大學
報導:Karma Woser Rapten


On the 28th of January, Mahakala Day according to Tsurphu calendar, His Holiness attended Mahakala practice at Vajra Vidhya Institute, along with Ven Thrangu Rinpoche.

一月三十日,今天是楚布新年,一早創古仁波切、秘書長竹奔仁波切、及所有的堪布、及楚布辦公室工作人員等,即到尊貴的法王噶瑪巴寢宮,向法王噶瑪巴敬獻哈達,祝願法王吉祥如意‧長壽康泰。傳統的供茶、甜飯及西藏傳統新年食品che-mar (一種糌巴粉混合酥油的甜食) 也提供給所有來拜年的信眾分享。

January 30 was Losar according to the Tsurphu calendar (which differs from the Phukluk calendar, the dominant Tibetan calendar tradition). In the early morning, Ven Thrangu Rinpoche, General Secretary Ven. Drupon Rinpoche and all the Khenpos and staff of Tsurphu Labrang, met in at His Holiness’s chambers to offer khatas to His Holiness and to wish him tashi delek and long life. A traditional offering of tea and ceremonial rice was enjoyed by the entire gathering, and, pursuant to Tibetan tradition , che-mar was also offered.


At about 8:00am, His Holiness entered the main shrine hall to offer a khata to the main Shakyamuni Buddha statue. He then proceeded to the throne, wherepon the main ceremony of the Losar commenced with a supplication to the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha). As per tradition, tea and dre-si was offered to all in attendance. At the end of the program, at the suggestion of His Holiness, participants sang one of the Milarepa’s famous compositions to a melody composed by His Holiness himself. His Holiness closed the program by giving a blessing to all the participants of the Losar, which was followed by a lunch offered by the Tsruphu Labrang.

一月三十一日,十點三十分左右,法王噶瑪巴應邀參訪了位於Sarnath的高級西藏學習中央大學,執行長Ngagwang Samten於禮堂大門前盛禮歡迎。法王噶瑪巴加持祝福了全校師生及教職員並給予開示後,Gen Yeshi Thabkhe代表致謝法王的慈悲蒞臨,之後法王也與教授們茶聚。

On January 31, His Holiness visited Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath. At the gate of the main assembly hall, Director Ngagwang Samten greeted His Holiness with the khata and directed him to the main hall. His Holiness gave a blessing to the staff and students and addressed the gathering. Gen Yeshi Thabkhe then gave a speech thanking His Holiness, and His Holiness concluded his visit with tea and a snack with the Director of the Institute. – Karma Woser Rapten