法王新闻 | 2006年02月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶
報導:Karma Woser Rapten
2月17日,尊貴的法王噶瑪巴抵達菩提迦耶出席2550th Buddha Jayanti紀念佛陀的出生、成道、涅槃法會,法會舉行從2006年2月13日至2月19日。法王噶瑪巴是接受印度瑪哈菩提協會(Maha Bodhi Society of India)的邀請。下午兩點左右,法王與隨從人員到達瑪哈雅那旅館(Mahayana Guest House),即受到了印度瑪哈菩提協會菩提迦耶的負責人比丘喜哇力泰露(P. Seewalee Thero, Bhikkhu)的歡迎及哈達獻禮。
His Holiness arrived in Bodh Gaya from Varanasi on 17th February, to attend the 2550th Buddha Jayanti Celebration, at the invitation of the Maha Bodhi Society of India. Along with his entourage, His Holiness reached the Mahayana Guest House in the early afternoon, where he was received by Ven. P. Seewalee Thero, Bhikkhu-in-charge, MBSI, Bodhgaya center at the main gate of the Guest House, who offered a khata to the Karmapa.
The next morning, His Holiness visited the Maha Bodhi Temple and offered flowers and fruit to the main image of the Lord Buddha. He also offered a robe to the statue and recited a short supplication prayer. His Holiness than observed the activities aroung the the main stupa, including the ongoing month-long Tripitaka Chanting by venerable monks from different countries, which included Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar & India.
2月19日,一星期的(2550th Buddha Jayanti Celebration)佛陀紀念法會即將進入最後圓滿日。此次法王噶瑪巴應邀成為法會的首席貴賓,參與「國際宗教之間的對話會議」─主題為「宗教之間的瞭解與寬容─特別論及佛陀的教示─人類的需求」。早上9點,法王噶瑪巴抵達會議現場,由印度瑪哈菩提協會的秘書長雷哇它泰露博士迎接法王,並向法王獻上哈達,緊接著即由特別來賓點燈祈願,會議正式開始,由比丘喜哇力泰露(P. Seewalee Thero, Bhikkhu)致歡迎詞,隨後即由來自印度教、耆那教、伊斯蘭教、錫克教及基督教…等各宗教領袖,就今日主題發表各自的觀點,之後,法王給予了開示,會議最後在主席印度瑪哈菩提協會的秘書長雷哇它泰露博士致詞及會議秘書的致謝詞後結束。
The concluding ceremony for the week-long celebrations of 2550th Buddha Jayanti celebration was on February 19th. HH Karmapa was the Chief Guest of the Celebration, at the International Inter-Religious Dialogue Conference, held at the Kalachakra ceremonial grounds. The theme of the concluding conference was “Inter-religious understanding and tolerance, with special reference to the teachings of the Lord Buddha – a need of mankind.” After the arrival of His Holiness in the morning, Ven. Dr. Rewatha Thero, General Secretary MBSI, welcomed the Karmapa with a khata offering. The distinguished guests joined in lighting the ceremonial lamps, an invocation was given and a welcoming introductory speech was made by Ven. P. Seewalee Theero. Then representatives of the world’s religions, including Hindu, Jain, Islam, Sikh and Christian, gave their remarks regarding the views of their traditions. His Holiness concluded the talks with his own discourse on inter-religious dialogue.
The presidential address was given by Ven Dr. Rewatha Thero, Gen. Secy. MBSI and a vote of thanks to all participants was extended by Mr. A.H.Khan, Organizing Secretary of the Conference.
In the late afternoon, His Holiness was invited to the Meditation Park to ring the Peace Bell at the Maha Bodhi Temple. Afterwards, His Holiness lit the butter lamps and joined the assembly of monks and others under the bodhi tree to chant the Keraniya Metta Sutta (loving-kindness) by the venerable Maha Sangha. The ceremony concluded with His Holiness chanting a prayer for the World Peace.
2月20日,在離開菩提迦耶前,法王噶瑪巴為新設立的網站─「佛法」啟用加持,此網站是由斯里蘭卡的嘉那難達泰露法師(Ven Jnanananda Thero)所設立的,之後法王在正覺佛寺禮佛後於8:30am驅車前往瓦拉那西,法王噶瑪巴將於2月22日抵達新德里。
Before departing Bodh Gaya on February 20th, His Holiness launched the newly created Website – ‘Buddha Dhamma’ by Ven Jnanananda Thero, Sri Lanka and briefly visited to the main temple to pay his last respects before proceeding to Varanasi. – Karma Woser Rabten