法王新闻 | 2006年12月
地點:印度 達瑪舍利塔(Damekh Stupa)
攝影:Karma Norbu
尊貴的 法王噶瑪巴偕同桑傑年巴仁波切、創古仁波切、堪布竹清嘉措仁波切、竹奔德千仁波切與前來參加辯經法會的傳承各大佛學院僧眾,於沙爾納特著名的佛舍利塔達瑪舍利塔(Damekh Stupa)主持一祈願薈供法會。法會中法王帶領大眾右膝著地皈依三寶、發菩提心,法王開示:「昔日世尊即是發廣大心,修證無上正等正覺之道後於此聖地而轉法輪,我們成為世尊弟子應如世尊所修學,亦發廣大心利樂諸眾生。」
On December 8th, the Karmapa led an assembly of monks, bhikshus and lay persons to Deer Park, where the Buddha first began his teaching by Turning the Wheel of the Dharma. Before the Damekha Stupa, which is thought to be on the site where Ashoka built a stupa commemorating the Buddha’s teachings, His Holiness led the assembly in prayer and renewed their bodhisattva vows. His Holiness was joined by Ven. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche, VV Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and VV Khenpo Tsultrim Rinpoche.