法王新闻 | 2006年12月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 德格寺
攝影:Karma Norbu
法王噶瑪巴應台灣化育文教基金會之祈請,特為華語系弟子教授的課程─第二屆『宗門實修法座』於印度菩提迦耶明就仁波切德格寺盛大舉行。法王噶瑪巴給予了噶瑪噶舉傳承的『勝樂金剛灌頂』及『四不共加行』教授。尊貴的 蔣貢康楚仁波切、天噶仁波切、明就仁波切、竹奔德千仁波切、堪布竹清嘉措仁波切亦出席法王的課程教授。
此次課程,主辦單位準備了華語、英語、韓語、俄語的同步翻譯。計有一千七百多位來自全球三十六個國家的信眾弟子報名參加此一課程,團體報名的有台灣噶瑪列些林佛學院、海濤法師帶領的生命電視台、慧光法師台中菩薩寺、喜笑之歌、台北智慧金剛、台中創古度母佛學會、台南智慧金剛、高雄智慧金剛、台灣噶舉佛學院、香港創古中心、噶瑪迦珠佛學會、佛國密乘中心、香港黃方文慧、香港蔡明明、噶瑪噶舉網友團、中國北京、中國廣東、美國妙覺城、韓國法師帶領的團體、Rokpa dundee Group, Denmark Group, Indonesia, Karma Shide Ling, Malaysia Group, Tara Institute,另外亦有六百多位以個人方式報名參加此一課程。
In the evening 21st December, His Holiness performed the initial preparation puja for the Chakrasambhava preliminary Empowerment at Tergar Monastery in Bodh Gaya. The Chakrasambhava Formal Empowerment was transmitted on 22nd December. Recipients included Mingyur Rinpoche, Khenchen Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche and Tenga Rinpoche and Venerable Hai Ta Fa Su from Taiwan, who also received the Vajrayana Crown from His Holiness.
More than 2000 international devotees gathered from western countries and eastern countries. In the afternoon, His Holiness gave a public Green Tara Empowerment on the request of visitors from Korea.
On 23rd December, His Holiness began teaching on the Four Extraordinary Preliminary Practices. Afterwards, His Holiness gave refuge to all the devotees. Later in the evening , at the request of His Holiness, Mingyur Rinpoche gave additional detailed teachings (Tib. kyar tri) on the same text. His Holiness teachings are sponsored and organized by Hwa Yue Foundation of Taiwan. – Tashi Paljor
His Holiness pre-Monlam Schedule of Ceremonies and Teachings In Bodhgaya (December 2006) |
21/ Dec
07:00 pm
Chakrasambhava (Khorlodumpa) Preliminary Empowerment (For Public)
10:00 am
Chakrasambhava Formal Empowerment (Empowerment receivers must commit to fulfill the Four Extraordinary Practices)
02:00 pm
Green Tara Empowerment (For Public)
10:00 am
Four Extraordinary Preliminary Practices
11:30 am
Refuge Ceremony (Refuge Certificates will be handed out later)
07:00 pm
Teaching of Mingyur Rinpoche
10:00 am
Four Extraordinary Preliminary Practices
07:00 pm
Teaching of Mingyur Rinpoche
10:00 am
Four Extraordinary Preliminary Practices
03:30 pm
Group Photo Taking With His Holiness Karmapa and Mingyur Rinpoche
07:00 pm
Teaching of Mingyur Rinpoche
10:00 am
Four Extraordinary Preliminary Practices
11:00 am
Course Perfection Offering by Representatives of all groups Singing Offering of H.H Karmapa’s long life, good health and his continuum of turning the Dharma wheel.
03:00 pm
“Practice of Offering to Lama” for all Chinese Disciples
07:00 pm
Teaching of Mingyur Rinpoche
Teachings sponsored and organized by Hwa Yue Foundation of Taiwan |