法王新闻 | 2007年12月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 金剛座 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhigaya, India
時間:2007年12月18日 December 18, 2007
報導:噶舉祈願法會文宣組 Tashi Paljor
攝影:噶瑪善治 / 噶瑪諾布 / 生命電視台
明就仁波切、嘉敦仁波切、南嘉寺的天津師、當地各藏傳寺院的喇嘛代表、祈願法會總幹事喇嘛確札、數位西藏官員及印度地方官員,也抵達在正覺大塔附近的比爾拉廟(Birla Mandir)義診處,和工作人員一起迎接法王。
法王抵達後,在義診團行政人員的陪同下,巡視義診處,並和劉醫師、義診團員及其他來賓與病患會面。簡短寒喧之後,法王一行人驅車前往皇家旅館(Royal Residency Hotel),參加噶舉大祈願法會籌備委員會主辦的餐會。台灣生命電視台的海濤法師、韓國西藏學社會的慧能法師、義診團的劉啟群醫師等貴賓,也應主辦單位的邀請,列席參加。餐會後,法王親手贈與每位來賓一份精美的法會紀念品。
18th December, 2007. After attending the second session of the Kagyu Monlam at the Mahabodhi Stupa, the Gyalwang Karmapa went to Birla Mandir in Bodhgaya to bless the activity of the Medical Camp there. This camp is one of the special events offered this year in celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Kagyu Monlam. It aims to alleviate the suffering of the local community by providing free medicine and treatment for local people. In spite of the development of tourism in Bodhgaya, the holiest site of Buddhism in the world, many people who in Bodhgaya today are in desparate straits, too poor to afford even the most basic medical treatment or medicine. Poverty, disease and deformity haunt the streets of this small town.
After the Gyalwang Karmapa decided that the Kagyu Monlam should offer a medical camp, his sister, Chamsing Ngodrup Palzom, oversaw the preparations and Dr Liu Chi-Chun, from Taiwan, the founder and president of the Taiwan Root Medical Peace Corps, rose to the challenge of providing a medical team, medicine and equipment. He is very experienced in leading teams of doctors and nurses on mercy missions to different parts of Asia. He is already well-known in the Tibetan community for his medical camp every year in Dharamsala, which he organises in conjunction with Ngari Rinpoche, His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s younger brother. Dr Liu Chi-Chun delivered a team of 50 medical personnel, doctors, pharmacists and nurses from Taiwan to conduct the camp. The camp offers allopathic medicine for a wide range of conditions, medical check-ups, and dentistry. A supporting team of Indian students from Fo Guang Shan Buddhist College are working voluntarily as translators for the medical team.
At the Birla Mandir, the medical staff and various guests assembled to greet the Gyalwang Karmapa: Mingyur Rinpoche, Gyaltong Rinpoche , Gen Tenzin of Namgyal Branch Monastery and Lamas representing the variousTibetan monasteries in Bodhgaya, Lama Choedrak, CEO of Kagyu Monlam, Tibetan lay officials, and a small group of local Indian officials. After a brief inspection of the camp, during which the Gyalwang Karmapa met medical staff and some of the patients, he greeted the guests. Then the guests left for a special lunch at the Royal Residency Hotel, hosted by the Kagyu Monlam Organising Committee. The chief guests were Dr Liu Chi-Chun, Master Hai Tao of Life TV, Taiwan, and the Venerable Hye Neung, Tibet House, Korea. In spite of an extremely demanding schedule, Pal Gyalwang Karmapa made the time to attend the lunch, and distributed small souvenirs to all the guests personally. The staff at the medical camp treated 488 patients on the first day. Additionally, they decided to forgo their lunchbreak so that the camp could be open throughout the day, in order for the monks and nuns, who are usually at the Mahabodhi Stupa at other times, to be able to attend more easily.