法王新闻 | 2008年03月
地點:印度 上密院
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
應法王辦公室之請求,尊貴的嘉察仁波切於3月11日抵達上密院,預計從3月14日起,每天的六點到八點,向法王噶瑪巴供法。此次仁波切將給予香巴噶舉傳承之《香巴金法》(Shang-pae Ser-choe)口傳,及米滂仁波切著釋的《辨法法性論》(Choe-nyi Nam-je)之課程教授。
As requested by Tsurphu Labrang (Karmapa’s Office of Administration) His Eminence Goshir Gyaltsab Rinpoche arrived at Gyuto Monastery on 11th of March, from the 14th of March 2008 the oral transmission of Shang-pae Ser-choe which is from the Shangpa Kagyu Lineage and teaching of Choe-nyi Nam-je composed by Mipham Rinpoche, His Holiness receives the teaching every morning from 6 to 8 am from His Eminence.