法王新闻 | 2008年05月
時間:2008年5月16日 May 16, 2008
By Glenn Collins
The 22-year-old living Buddha seemed joyfully aware to feel no jet lag whatsoever. So far. “Maybe tonight,” he said in English on Thursday. “But not yet.” He had just arrived at a Midtown hotel with his security detail after a 14-hour flight from New Delhi to Newark.
二十二歲的年輕活佛臉上顯露出歡喜的表情,看不出來有任何的時差問題。到目前為止還沒有時差的感受,在週四(5/15)他用英語這樣表達著:『可能是今晚 會有,不過現在還沒有』。從印度新德里出發到美國紐約,歷經了十四個小時的長途飛行,他剛剛與他的隨行安全人員們抵達了紐阿克,下榻在城內的飯店。
“It is the first time I’ve ever visited the United States, and it’s a bit like a dream,” said His Holiness, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ugyen Trinley Dorje, one of the most important leaders in Tibetan Buddhism.
Despite his youth, he is revered by followers as a master teacher, and on Thursday he began his whirlwind tour of the United States, an 18-day visit to New York, New Jersey, Boulder, Colo., and Seattle.
Yes, he is that Karmapa: the young master who made headlines across the world at age 14 with his daring escape from China to India across the Himalayas in 1999.
His followers regard him not only as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, who died in 1981, but also as the 17th incarnation of the first Karmapa in the 12th century, in an unbroken lineage going back 900 years. They revere him as leader of the Kagyu sect called the black hat or black crown sect one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
大寶法王的信眾們相信:眼前的這位青年不但是於1981年在美國圓寂的第十六世大寶法王讓烱日佩多傑的轉世,同時也是開創噶瑪噶舉黃金傳承的噶瑪巴,第十 七世的轉世祖古,此傳承自十二世紀起就延續不斷,至今已有九百多年的歷史。信眾們尊崇第十七世大寶法王,是藏傳佛教四大教派中的噶瑪噶舉教派,黑寶冠傳承 的最高精神領袖。
To believers, he is the embodiment of wisdom and compassion, a “reincarnate lama,” or teacher who has achieved enlightenment yet returns to the human world, lifetime after lifetime, to help others do the same.
“The passing of the previous Karmapa was like the sun going behind the clouds,” said Michele Martin, a Tibetan translator who is the author of a 2003 biography, “Music in the Sky: The Life, Art and Teachings of the 17th Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje.”
She added, “With the new Karmapa’s arrival, it’s like the clouds have cleared away, and he is the sun in the sky.”
Thousands of people have attended his public appearances in India, and some 20,000 more are expected to see him in America. In Manhattan he will be speaking to the faithful on Saturday at the Hammerstein Ballroom (tickets: $30 to $108), and Sunday in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria (tickets: $35 to $175).
On Monday he will visit his North American seat at the Karma Triyana Dharmachakra center in Woodstock, N.Y., where he is ecstatically anticipated. The shrine room was used for scenes in “Kundun,” the Martin Scorsese film about the life of the Dalai Lama.
下週一,他將會造訪其位於紐約屋士達的北美法座噶瑪三乘法輪中心, 此地雀躍不已的信眾已經引頸期盼法王的到來已久。北美法輪中心內的壇城法座曾經被美國名導演馬丁史柯西斯借景來拍攝電影「達賴前傳」(Kundun)。
Americans have been preparing for the visit for a year and a half, said Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, the organizer of the American trip, who is president and founder of Nalanda West in Seattle, one of the speaking stops. “There is great joy and delight that they can finally see him,” he said.
擔任這次大寶法王美國之行總策劃者,卓千波若仁波切,指出,美國的僧侶與信眾們規劃大寶法王的訪美之旅,已經籌備有一年半之久。卓千波若仁波切,同時也是位於西雅圖「噶瑪巴基金會」的創辦 人與會長,他說:『我們非常、非常地歡欣、喜悅,終於能夠在美國親見到大寶法王。』
So little is easy, however, on the noble eightfold path of Buddhism, and Ugyen Trinley Dorje is but one of two claimants to the title of Karmapa in the Kagyu tradition. A rival, Trinlay Thaye Dorje, made a tour of Europe several years ago. There have been legal battles in India. Rival factions of monks, those emissaries of loving kindness, have come to blows over the conflict.
然而,在佛教八正道上,几乎没有什么容易的事,而邬金钦列多杰只是噶举传承中噶玛巴名号的两个宣称者之一。 竞争对手泰耶多杰几年前就有了欧洲行。 印度的法律官司之战,使得双方敌对派系的僧侣们——这些宣扬“慈悲”的使者,为这场冲突而战。(Bamboo注:此处原译文无,为Bamboo所加。)
But the American followers of Ugyen Trinley Dorje point to his recognition as the 17th Karmapa by both the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama, a world figure and a spokesman for Tibetan Buddhism who has been a teacher to Ugyen Trinley Dorje.
In an interview, the Dalai Lama’s United States representative, Tashi Wangdi, said, “We welcome the visit” of Ugyen Trinley Dorje, adding, “We are very happy that he will be here.”
Robert A. F. Thurman, professor of Buddhist studies at Columbia University, said, “The guy who’s here is the official one,” adding, “The other Karmapa is a nice person, and he has followers in Europe and Asia, but almost all of the Tibetans accept the Karmapa who is here now.”
Asked about the rival Karmapa, Ugyen Trinley Dorje said that “one person is appearing at a time, who is the reincarnation of the previous Karmapa.”
He added, “Being its current incarnation, as I am, it is my greatest responsibility” to embody the succession.
His great escape from China, in December 1999, was a grueling eight-day, 1,000-mile trip by foot, horse, train, jeep and helicopter that led him to Dharamsala, India. The government accepted him as a refugee in 2001.
1999年十二月夜裡自中國出走到印度,是段精疲力竭的艱鉅旅程,當時他才十四歲。沿途經由步行、騎馬、搭乘火車、吉普車、直升機等交通工具,歷經了一千 哩遠的路程,於兩千年元月抵達了西藏流亡政府的所在地-印度達蘭沙拉,而印度政府在2001年承認他的難民身份。
Ugyen Trinley Dorje’s age, spiritual presence and dramatic escape have made him a rock star in certain precincts of Tibetan Buddhism, and some have invoked a Barack Obama parallel. Elle Magazine named the meditative master one of its “25 people to watch.”
二十出頭的年紀,令人難忘的精神特質,以及具戲劇化逃亡的英雄事蹟,讓他在藏傳佛教的某些區域中受到崇拜的程度宛如是西方的搖滾巨星。甚至有人會認為法王的魅力與歐巴馬不相上下。Elle Magazine提名了25位明日之星,值得世人的期盼,而這位禪修大師是其中的一位。
“He could become a spokesman for Tibetan Buddhism and Tibet itself, if he chooses to,” said Dr. Thurman, the author of a new book, “Why the Dalai Lama Matters.” He is also the father of the actress Uma Thurman.
最近出版新書『達賴喇嘛的歷史任務』(暫譯:Why the Dalai Lama Matters.)的作者,舒曼博士說:『如果他(噶瑪巴)願意,他可以成為藏傳佛教甚至是西藏的代言人。』
Though Ugyen Trinley Dorje’s residence has been a source of unease in Chinese and Indian diplomacy, his followers say that despite the embarrassment to the Chinese government his escape represented, the Chinese have not excoriated him, as they have the Dalai Lama.
His followers expressed the hope that Chinese protesters would not react to the visit of Ugyen Trinley Dorje as they did to the arrival of the Dalai Lama in Seattle recently. Some protestors have blamed the Dalai Lama for violent anti-Chinese riots in Tibet, an accusation he has denied.
In the interview, Ugyen Trinley Dorje deflected political questions, saying, “My work is all spiritual wherever I go,” adding that “sometimes politics enters into spirituality, but it is my prayer that it not do so.”
A kinetic, big-boned 6-footer with a gentle grip and piercing eyes, he has a sturdy voice and a ready laugh. In his maroon robes on a floral red-silk armchair before a gold-framed mirror, he was surrounded by handlers and protected by the State Department, which extends security to foreign dignitaries and the occasional perfect master.
身長六尺高,身材魁梧,強壯有力的法王,有一雙看透人心的銳利雙眼,輕柔地抓住了信徒的心。他具有渾厚的嗓音,嘴角不時浮現一抹微笑,披著藏紅色的僧袍, 坐在鑲花紅色絲墊的扶手椅,面對著鑲金邊的鏡子,他被美國國務院的特派人員所環繞保護著,這是美國國務院對國外來訪的貴賓,以及難得一見的尊貴大師所提供 的高規格安全保護。
“I wish I spoke better English,” he said in an aside to a visitor while his translators were struggling to render one of his comments.
His Holiness, as his followers call him, confirmed that he was 22 years old. When asked if he was also 900, he laughed heartily. He carried on most of a brief interview in Tibetan through two translators, with occasional asides in English.
The Karmapa has been traditionally recognized to be the third most important figure in Tibetan Buddhism, after the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama, Dr. Thurman said.
“I hope his followers won’t push him too soon while he is a young lama, and give him a chance to grow,” he said of Ugyen Trinley Dorje, estimating that he has more than a million worshipers worldwide, and about 50,000 in the United States.
The visit is a chance to “bring peace and happiness to the minds of sentient beings,” said the newly arrived Karmapa. Asked if he had a message for Americans, he answered, “Americans have a message for me.”
He added, shrugging off gravitas with a twinkling eye, “I am here, and I’m having this new experience, and I’m open to what Americans have to tell me.”