法王新闻 | 2008年05月
時間:2008年5月16日 Friday, May 16, 2008
地點:美國 紐約 New York, U.S.
On this very rainy Friday in New York City, His Holiness Karmapa took advantage of the opportunity to see some of the sights the city has to offer.
His Holiness visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the morning, where he was received as an honored guest and given a VIP tour of various galleries: Medieval, European Renaissance, Asian, and more. When the main part of the tour was over His Holiness was asked what other artwork he would like to see, and he expressed a wish to see the more contemporary galleries. The Karmapa is, himself, a painter and visual artist, and recently completed a major thangka painting that will be hung in Rumtek.
法王於上午參觀了紐約都市美術館〈Metropolitan Museum of Art〉,法王受到了榮譽貴賓式的歡迎接待。館方提供了頂極貴賓服務,引領法王參觀了中古世紀、歐洲文藝復興、亞洲等時期的珍貴文物作品。當被問到,法王最想看的藝術作品是什麼時,法王表示他希望能看到更多當代的作品。法王本身對書畫等視覺藝術有相當的喜好,最近才完成的一副唐卡作品也將準備懸掛在隆德寺中。
His Holiness also visited the Latse Contemporary Tibetan Cultural Library, after having lunch at Rockefeller Center at a restaurant overlooking the ice skating rink.
隨後,法王在洛克斐樂中心〈Rockefeller Center〉參訪一座室內溜冰場,在用完午餐後,即前往一座位於紐約市的西藏文化圖書館〈Latse Contemporary Tibetan Cultural Library〉參觀。