法王新闻 | 2008年12月
地點:印度 菩提加耶
時間:2008年12月26日 Friday 26th December, 2008
報導:Jo Gibson
攝影:Tashi Paljor
法王噶瑪巴應 Root Institute 佛法中心的邀請,由明就仁波切及隨扈陪同參訪並給予佛法開示。距離加耶不遠的Root學院,是一所位於美麗花園中的學佛中心。法王給中心職員和一國際佛法修行團體,包括一些即
His Holiness Karmapa graciously accepted an invitation from the Root Institute, the F.P.M.T. Dharma centre in Bodh Gaya, and addressed the staff and a general audience which included a group who were about
to undertake a short retreat course on the Bodhisattva Vow. His Holiness was accompanied by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.
His Holiness emphasized the preciousness of bodhichitta – the altruistic intention. Quoting, he explained that if bodhichitta were to take physical form the universe would be too small to contain it, the reality of
bodhichitta was sometimes misunderstood. It was far more than kind thoughts towards others or common acts of kindness.
Bodhichitta arose from a deep understanding of the suffering of all sentient beings, tremendous compassion, the resolve to achieve Buddhahood for one’s self and the determination to work unceasingly for the
benefit of all sentient beings.
有許多方法,我們可以用來訓練啟發菩提心,例如實修修心七要的論點或自他交換法,但無論是那一種法門都是有同等的價值。沒有那一修法高,那一修法低的差別。修持的結果取決於個人的能力和毅力。人們通 常在一開始時都非常熱心於修持,但一旦他們遭遇到了困難,就氣餒了!法王說到,當我們遇到困難時,最重要的是『不要放棄』修持!
菩薩戒是獨特的,不同於受持別解脫戒一般。如有可能的話,在受戒之前,應該先熟悉它的戒條,檢試自己是否有決心和勇氣去守持。如果此時,我們尚無法去持守,那麼也可以只受持願菩提心來取代完整的菩薩 戒。
Gyalwang Karmapa reminded everyone:
所有世間樂,悉從利他生 ,
All happiness comes from cherishing others;
All suffering comes from cherishing one’s self.
He commented that we were living in an age when we were faced with not just the mental and emotional stability of our own minds, but also drastic changes and imbalance in the world. The degree of
self-interest and self-cherishing in the world and the dreadful consequences of these were becoming self-evident. We all needed to recognize the harmfulness of self-cherishing and the benefits of truly cherishing
others, not just as an elusive idea, but as a living experience applied to our own lives, translated into practice in our interactions with others and the environment.
法王指出佛陀超越了當時印度社會和文化的規範,為了革新人們的思想,賦予新的自覺能力,普遍達到覺悟的方法,這是不可思議的佛行事業。不管我們是否跟隨佛道,在佛陀的教言中都有一共同的人道思想,可 以被分享和幫助人們生起改善其生活品質的意識力。
最後,法王表達他的歡喜能再次地來訪Root Institute 。這是一個跟隨佛陀步伐的國際團體,超越了種族和國家的區別,並提供機會幫助許多的人。