法王新闻 | 2009年01月
時間:2009年01月10日 January 10th, 2009
地點:印度 菩提加耶
晚上八點四十左右,法王帶領16位完成15天不動佛閉關的僧眾在德噶寺大佛殿內,共同為亡者加持超薦。此次超薦的對象除了有來自信眾的報名超薦往生者之外,還包括有去年一年於緬甸颱風、西藏地震、中國四 川地震、印度孟買恐怖事件、以及在印度比哈爾省水患的受難者等。
鑒於此項修法的重要性,除了法王與修法的僧眾外,其餘的民眾只能盤坐在大佛殿之外觀禮。不動佛的修法壇城設置在佛殿的正中央,修法的用具是延用去年法會開始啟用,由日本以及中國訂製的法器。法王面對 著壇城中央的不動佛唐卡盤坐著,週邊圍繞著16位閉關喇嘛。法王與喇嘛們渾厚的法音迴蕩在空蕩蕩的大殿當中,不動佛佛力威不可擋,由壇城中向十方逼射而出,震攝威撼著殿外的觀禮者。
法會終了時,法王在大佛殿前親手將亡者名單焚化。這時,所有在殿外觀禮已久的信眾全部聚集在殿前,重重地將法王圍繞起來,看著法王將名單一冊冊地執持在手中,稍定後,才投入熊熊的烈火當中。燃紙的煙 霧裊裊昇起,有如聞法解脫的亡靈,飄渺自由地答謝而去。
The Akshobhya Saddhana was recited for two afternoons on 9th and 10th January, and on the evening of the 10th His Holiness completed the Akshobhya Ritual with a fire puja. This began at 8.30pm, His Holiness with the sixteen retreatants who completed the fifteen-day Akshobhya retreat, gathered in the main assembly hall of Tergar Monastery to bless the deceased. In addition to the names proffered by individuals, the list included those killed in the Burmese typhoon, those killed in the Sichuan earthquake, those killed in the earthquake in Tibet, those killed in the recent Mumbai terrorist attacks, and those killed in the floods in Bihar. The ritual took three hours and concluded close to midnight.
At the end of the ritual Gyalwang Karmapa and the other monks, carrying a container of the names of the dead, came outside to the fire which had been burning for some time. The people who had been waiting quietly outside gathered around them. His Holiness gathered a handful of name lists from the container, paused to bless them, and then threw them into the fire until the list was finished.