法王新闻 | 2009年01月


『26th Kagyu Monlam』Day 8:The annual alms procession


時間:2009年01月11日 January 11, 2009
地點:印度 菩提加耶 Bodhigaya, India
報導:Karma Palmo
攝影:噶瑪善治、噶瑪諾布 、班瑪歐色多傑

按照慣例﹐在祈願法會的最後一天上午是比丘與比丘尼的托缽。這項僧眾托缽的活動是法王在5年前所恢復的舊制﹐目的是要讓僧眾體驗在一些佛教傳承中﹐僧眾每天透過托缽以獲得食物的這項傳統。法王同時也希 望透過托缽以及其他戒律的練習能夠在祈願法會的這八天當中﹐重建佛陀時代的僧眾生活與持守的律儀。

The second session concluded with the annual alms procession.

參與托缽的是受過出家具足戒的僧眾﹐他們將從正覺大佛塔一直行進到鹿園(Deer Park )﹐全長約3百公尺。其他的僧眾與在家居士準備好了甜點﹑水果﹑與堅果﹐聚集在托缽路線旁耐心地等待。這時﹐穿著七衣與 九衣並帶著坐具的僧眾開始在正覺大佛塔內排隊。由手持錫杖的嘉察仁波切做前導﹐跟在後面的有嘎汪仁波切(Gawang Rinpoche)﹑明就仁波切﹑與堪布洛卓東紐仁波切(Khenpo Lodro Donyo Rinpoche)﹐再接著的是 年長的比丘。托缽的隊伍由壇城背面的階梯拾階而上﹐由正覺大佛塔最外圍的圓環向大門行進﹐僧眾邊走邊以雙手捧著的僧缽接受供養﹐同時還必須練習法王前一天晚上特別加強訓練的如何緩慢專注地行走。

The Alms procession is from the Mahabodhi Stupa to the Deer Park it was instituted by His Holiness Karmapa five years ago to follow the traditional alms walk that the monastic of some Buddhist traditions make in their daily lives to receive their food. His Holiness also wanted for eight days to recreate, along with some other original Vinaya practices, the alms walk that ordained monastic undertook daily at the time of the Buddha.

有12位西方與華人比丘尼排在藏人比丘之後﹐其後跟著的是韓國的比丘尼。在21世紀的今天還有這麼多表法的僧眾能專注一心地聚集在一起﹐看著五百多位的僧眾緩步地沿著正覺大佛塔而行進的景象﹐不禁讓人感 到歡欣又感動。

法王﹑蔣貢康楚仁波切﹑以及卡盧仁波切站在正覺大佛塔的大門觀看緩緩步出的托缽隊伍。當托缽的隊伍一步出靜肅的佛塔﹐馬上被在街道上久候的民眾所包圍。從信眾的手中不斷地流出如水般的供品﹐很快地將 僧眾的缽溢滿。旁邊的義工們則幫忙法師們將滿缽的供品倒入袋中﹐以方便後面的信眾的繼續供養。此刻﹐信眾們的虔敬與布施的心似乎廣大而無邊際。有些藏族的婦女們甚至會以手或唸珠碰觸僧眾的缽﹐一邊輕聲地 唸著經文或咒語。當托缽隊伍經過時,華人信眾則口誦『阿彌陀佛』。當排在隊伍最後的比丘尼出現時﹐人群中開始了一陣騷動﹐「大比丘尼」﹑「大阿尼」﹑「大比丘尼來了」的驚嘆聲此起彼落。

The lay people and other monks and nuns gathered along the route of the procession eagerly waiting with their offerings of sweets, fruits, biscuits, nuts and dried fruits and snacks.

His Eminence Gyaltsab Rinpoche led the procession, carrying the traditional monk’s staff. Behind him, and also carrying staffs, came Zurmang Garwang Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche and Khenpo Lodro Donyo Rinpoche. Then the most senior gelongs began to assemble and slowly made their way with the begging bowl in their two hands. They slowly and carefully walked, following the instructions in mindfulness of physical deportment and thoughts that His Holiness had given the evening before.

At the main entrance to the Mahabodhi Stupa, His Holiness Karmapa stood with Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Kalu Rinpoche, watching the procession make its way through the entrance gates and out towards the Stupa courtyard.

托缽隊伍的終點站是鹿園﹐在此處僧眾們最後一次將缽中的供品倒出﹐然後在草地上事先排好的墊子上鋪開坐具﹐安坐下來靜候其他僧眾的到來。法王與其他喇嘛此時早已等候在鹿園看著托缽隊伍進入安坐。接著 由身穿綠色制服的義工開始行堂﹐法王則來回一排排地巡視僧眾的威儀。

Finally, as the monastics entered the Deer Park, they emptied their bowls for the last time and wait silently until all were assembled. His Holiness Karmapa and other lamas had already arrived from the Mahabodhi Stupa and observed the procession arrive and be seated. He then walked along between the rows of monastics, watching as the food was served out.

在鹿園為僧眾提供缽飯也是一項大工程。首先要準備好500餘份的餐點﹐然後將餐點由聚藏寺運送至鹿園﹐放置好餐具﹑開始分配還熱騰騰的食物﹔當僧眾用餐結束後﹐又要將所有的鍋碗瓢盆﹑僧缽﹑餐具等運送回 聚藏寺清洗。而這一切的工作都是由來自世界各地義工們的發願付出所完成。

鹿園靜謐的環境竟讓人錯覺地以為園外咫尺的繁囂市集是在千里之外。今午的太陽露出微微笑臉看著草地上的僧侶﹐樹上的鳥兒也唱著歡欣的美歌﹐當一陣涼風吹來﹐似乎空氣中也帶著甜甜的香味。在這一刻﹐時 間消失了﹐我們似乎回到了佛陀當年行走在此地的年代。


After chanting the food offering prayers and mantras, the begging bowls were raised, the food was eaten, and at the end of the meal final dedication prayers were recited. His Holiness left the Deer Park to return to Tergar Monastery.