法王新闻 | 2009年03月
地點:印度 瓦拉那西 Sarnath
時間:2009年03月21-25日 March 21-25, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
3月21日,法王噶瑪巴主持了第一次噶舉寺院中心的環境保護會議。從三月21-25日一連五日的會議於印度瓦拉那西鹿野苑創古智慧金剛大學正式展開。來自印度、尼泊爾和不丹共二十六所寺院代表們出席此次會議,來自美國世界野生動物基金會的 Deki Chungyalpa 為會議的協調人。
His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa chaired the First Conference on Environmental Protection for Kagyu Monasteries and Centres, held at Vajra Vidhya Institute in Saranath, March 21st -25th, 2009. Representatives from 26 monasteries and nunneries in India, Nepal and Bhutan attended the conference. Deki Chungyalpa was the conference facilitator.
His Holiness was presented with the original painting which was reproduced as the cover HHK’s new Environmental Guidelines booklet. After that, His Holiness made an address explaining the importance and the goals of the conference as well as the relationship between the environment and Buddhism. His Holiness’ address was followed by an address by Khenchen Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche.
The main goals of the conference are: