法王新闻 | 2009年03月


His Holiness Speaks at a Lecture Event on ‘World Peace and Youth’

地點:印度 新德里 IIC, New Delhi
時間:2009年03月29日 March 29, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor


His Holiness expressed his deep gratitude to the Indian government and the people of India for providing refuge to the Tibetans for fifty years and said that the Tibetans owe a great deal to India for being able to preserve the rich Tibetan culture and practice one’s own religion in India. The popularity of Tibetan Buddhism in the world, he said, was largely because of its strong base in India.

印度國際中心 (IIC)、藏政府資訊國際關係部(DIIR)和達賴喇嘛新德里辦公室聯合主辦了『流亡五十年:西藏經驗』的活動。此活動的焦點議題是放在流亡藏人的生活和他們重建保存的藏人社區上。
The India International Centre (IIC), the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of the Central Tibetan Administration and Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi are jointly organizing the festival of 50 years in Exile: Tibet Experience. The festival was focused on the lives of Tibetan in exile and their rebuilding and preserving the fabric of a community away from their homelands.