法王新闻 | 2009年09月
地點:印度 上密院 Gyuto
時間:2009年09月01日 September 1, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
代表團是由參議員弗朗索瓦·恩貝爾先生(Mr. Jean-Francois Humbert)所率領,他是法國東部孔泰省右翼政黨參議員。其他成員分別是:參議員皮埃爾·布隆卡先生( Mr. Jean-Pierre Plancade),為法國社會黨黨員,也是西藏信息組織的一員;參議員蒂耶利·雷彭丹(Mr. Thierry Repentin),社會黨黨員,西藏信息組織成員;參議員巴妮·賈奎林女士(Mrs. Jacqueline Panis)人民運動聯盟 (UMP)成員,也是西藏信息組織的一員;參議院行政處的菲利普·布洛爾特女士(Ms. Philippe Brault)。另外,西藏流亡政府駐巴黎辦事處秘書長旺波先生也陪同代表團的覲見。
A five-member delegation of the French Parliament called upon on His Holiness Karmapa, at his Gyuto residence, during their visit to Dharmasala.
Mr. Jean Francois Humbert, senator from Franche Comte province in Eastern France, headed the delegation from the French Senate (sénat) or the upper house of the French Parliament.
The other members are Mr. Jean Pierre Plancade, senator, Socialist group and member of the Tibet Information Group; Mr. Thierry Repentin, senator, Socialist Party and member of the Tibet Information Group; and Mrs. Jacquelin Panis, senator, ruling UMP (Union for a Popular Movement) and member of the Tibet Information Group. Mr Philippe Brault, administrator of the Senate and Mr. Wangpo Bashi, secretary of the Tibet Bureau in Paris, accompanied the delegation.