法王新闻 | 2009年10月


Environmental Conference Day Three: Forestry Conservation Preservation by World Wildlife Fund of India

地點:印度 上密院
時間:2009年10月05日 Monday 5th October, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor

Forest Conservation

來自印度「世界野生動物基金」的善迪浦當(Sanjeep Pradhan)給了一場生動的森林保育演講。
Sanjeep Pradhan, from World Wildlife Fund India, gave a lively presentation on forestry conservation.

He began by explaining the importance of forests and plants and the critical role they play in supporting not just human life but a vast biodiversity and controlling levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen. However, forests were under threat and already rising temperatures globally showed the devastating effect of this.

Rising temperatures meant glaciers – an important source of drinking water -were melting and disappearing, whereas on the plains there were floods. Weather systems had become unpredictable, so whereas some places suffered from hurricanes, others had drought, which led to famine.

The responsibilty to protect the environment lay with everyone; be pro-active:

  • 植樹 plant trees
  • 使用可再生能源,如生物瓦斯 use renewable energy such as bio gas
  • 鼓勵養蜂業 encourage apiculture (bees)
  • 開始使用有机肥料(利用蠕蟲) start vermi-composting (using worms)
  • 少用、多次使用、回收轉用 reduce, re-use and recycle
  • 善迪接著討論到重建森林的幾點成功要素:
    Sanjeep then discussed the factors which were necessary for successful regeneration of forest and tree plantation:

  • 地點的選擇 site selection
  • 選用合宜的當地植物品種 choice of appropriate indigenous species
  • 當地植物品種應具較高優先順位 indigenous species should be given priority
  • 考量所種植的林木之用途 consider the purpose the trees will be used for
  • 在社區中討論植樹的計劃,特別是要與婦女們討論 discuss the planting in the community, especially with the women
  • 清理與整地 clearing and preparing the land
  • 如何進行種植計劃 how to plant
  • 照顧幼苗 caring for seedlings
  • 創造自然美 – 普拉哈里寺的環保經驗
    Creating Natural Beauty – the experience of Phulahari Monastery

    堪布裘奇嘉森(Choekyi Gyaltsen)分享了位於尼泊爾的普拉哈里寺的環保活動。
    Khenpo Choekyi Gyaltsen described activities at Phulahari Monastery in Nepal.

    The monastery was built in an area of millet and corn fields. In 1993 they set up a project to landscape the area around the temple, and began planting in 1994. The inspiration for the work came from and continues to come from the spiritual masters of the Kagyu lineage. The original aim was to beautify the temple surroundings but, as the monks learned more about environmental issues, the aim became one of environmental protection.

    Their knowledge of gardening was gleaned from experience as they worked. Many of the first plants were too fragile or were eaten, so they set up a nursery to nurture young plants and saplings, and through experience they discovered which plants would grow and which wouldn’t, how to protect and care for them, and how to achieve a balance, for example, between those with summer foliage and evergreens.

    Initially, it took about fourteen years to establish the gardens, but the monastery has continued to plant, replant and maintain them.

    Restoring Spring Water Sources

    來自「喜馬拉雅自然協會」的生態學家阿爾銀香瑪(Arvind Sharma)講演重建天然泉源。
    A local ecologist, Arvind Sharma, from the Himalayan Nature Society, gave a presentation.

    阿爾銀指出,只有當水問題發生時,人們才會去思考水是從那來的。「喜馬拉雅自然協會」由英國高級專員公署(the British High Commission)贊助,目標是要重建達蘭莎拉附近的天然泉源,使得村民毋須依賴市政少有的供水﹔它同時也確保附近地區水源的清理與水質的清淨。
    He pointed out that until a problem arose, people never gave a thought about where the water came from. The HNS was working to restore natural spring sources in the Dharamsala area, with financial support from the British High Commission, so that villagers were no longer dependent on the infrequent municipal water supply. It ensured that the area around the water supply was cleaned up and checked water purity.

    水資源保護行動 – 隆德寺
    Water Conservation in Action- Rumtek Monastery

    喇嘛嘉森索南 (Gyaltsen Sonam)演講隆德寺如何重建水源,以及如何聯合當地的學童一起來實施環保108準則。
    Lama Gyaltsen Sonam gave a presentation of how they restored the water source of Rumtek Monastery and implemented the 108 guidelines to protect the environment with local school childrens.

    卓瑪林尼眾學院(Dolma Ling Nunnery)現場參觀
    Field Trip to Dolma Ling Nunnery

    The final event of the day was also the most surprising because it encapsulated so many of the environmentally sound practices that the delegates had been hearing about.

    There were bins for collecting paper and cardboard for recycling. Manure from the nunnery herd was left to decompose and then used as fertiliser on the gardens and fields. Vegetable waste was collected and composted. The nunnery took water from a local river, collected it in a pond, and then filtered it to provide drinking water so they had an independent water supply.

    Hot water in the kitchen was provided by solar power. There was a new bathhouse, where the water was heated by solar panels built into the roof, and the wastewater from the bathhouse was filtered and then used to water the gardens.

    There was also a small paper recycling workshop where old newspapers and other old paper were reduced to pulp and turned into paper once more, This paper was then turned into greetings cards which could be sold to generate income.