法王新闻 | 2009年10月
地點:印度 上密院 Dharamsala
時間:2009年10月08日 October 8, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
The Science of Climate Change and Practical Rainwater Harvesting
Dekil Chungyalpa首先說明全球暖化如何導致有些地區降雨量增加,有些地區形成乾旱,喜馬拉雅冰川消融,大海水位增高,而產生極端氣候形態的頻率增加等氣候的變遷。部份受到嚴重衝擊的地區,居民被迫遷離,形成社會的不安。氣候變遷的長遠後果,反應在能源與水源的供應上。
Dekil began with an account of climate change because of global warming, which has led to increased rainfall in some areas and drought in others, glaciers in the Himalaya were shrinking, sea levels were rising, extreme weather events were increasing. In severely affected areas, the population was forced to relocate leading to social unrest. The long-term consequences would be on power and water supplies.
Dekil then gave detailed instructions on rain water harvesting , how monasteries could collect rainwater from the rooftops, filter it and store it in tanks.
Environmental Destruction in Tibet
來自TESI環境覺醒運動的 (Environmental Awareness Movement)次林.揚齊(Tsering Yangkyi from)講演西藏的現況,包括有森林濫墾與大規模採礦所造成的影響。
Tsering Yangkyi from TESI Environmental Awareness Movement gave a detailed presentation on what is happening in Tibet including deforestation and the effects of large-scale mining for minerals.
The Effects of Climate Change on Tibet
來自西藏外交部DIIR(Department of Information and International Relations)的環境與發展服務台的秋奇(Chokyi)透過投影片的展示,來說明氣候的變遷已造成了冰川與湖泊的減少、令草原受損,而最令人懷念的神山岡仁波切山(Snow Rinpoche ie Mt Kailash ),現今已很難見到山面上的雪景。
Chokyi, from the Environment and Development desk of the DIIR, showed slides illustrating how climate change has already led to shrinking glaciers and lakes, degraded pasturelands, most memorable, the sacred Gang Rinpoche (Snow Rinpoche ie Mt Kailash ) with hardly any snow on one face.
The Way Forward
In the penultimate session, the monasteries and nunneries presented their commitments.
Mandala Offering
The monastery representatives of India, Nepal and Bhutanese offered Mandala to His Holiness.
Tsurphu Labrang presented gifts to the Speakers, Organising Committee and Monastic Representatives