法王新闻 | 2009年10月
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 Dharamsala
時間:2009年10月24日 October 24, 2009
報導:Tashi Paljor
攝影:Tashi Paljor
這是法王在『國際氣候變遷行動日』(the International Day of Climate Action)這天,面對一群聚集在麥克理歐甘紀日間學校(McLeod Ganj Day School)的民眾所演說的部份內容。國際氣候變遷行動日,在今天已是全球共同關注的節日;法王在一塊巨大的布條上,首先簽下自己的名字,做為氣候變遷行動收集簽名活動的開端。
今天的活動是由西藏流亡政府的環境與發展服務台(The Environment and Development Desk)、西藏村辦公室的上達蘭沙拉清理計劃 (the Clean Upper Dharamsala Project of the Tibetan Settlement Office)、與TESI環境覺醒運動(Tesi Environment Awareness Movement)聯合舉辦。出席的人員包括有西藏國會的代表發言人、西藏國會議員、與各個組織團體的代表。
On October 24th, the International Day of Climate Action, His Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa said that there are many ways for us to be kind and generous towards others.
“We as Buddhists believe that benefiting others is an act of kindness, and the first thing that comes to our mind, as act of kindness, is giving alms to the poor. That’s not the only way, there are many ways to be kind. Taking care of the environment and nature is also a very important act of kindness that can benefit many humans and animals alike in the future.”
His Holiness was speaking at a modest gathering at the McLeod Ganj Day School on the International Day of Climate Action – a special day that is being observed throughout the whole world. His Holiness inaugurated a signature drive on climate action by signing his signature on a giant piece of cloth.
His Holiness took the audience by surprise when he shifted his role from that of “chief guest” to that of “resource person” when he gave a PowerPoint presentation about the environment. The PowerPoint presentation was not on the organizers’ list of planned programming for the day. His Holiness said that every human being has a responsibility towards preserving nature and that we must act now if the fight against climate change and the destruction of the environment are going to be won.
“Human greed is unlimited and uncertain. We have wants for many things that we don’t even put to use. I heard most Tibetan families in the settlements have one or more motorcycles. We all know that we Tibetans like to follow the West. Many westerners go on long bicycle rides to places as far as Ladakh. So, why don’t we Tibetans get rid of our motorcycles and get bicycles?,” His Holiness Karmapa said as he laughed away along with the audience.
The Environment and Development Desk of the Exile Tibetan Government, the Clean Upper Dharamsala Project of the Tibetan Settlement Office, and Tesi Environment Awareness Movement, jointly organized the day’s event. The event was attended, among others, by the deputy speaker of the Tibetan Parliament, members of the Tibetan Parliament and representative of the various institutes and organizations.