法王新闻 | 2009年12月
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 金剛座 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya
時間:2009年12月18日 December 18, 2009
報導:Jo Gibson
攝影:Tashi Paljor
法王噶瑪巴在十一月底抵達菩提迦耶之後,今天是第二度參訪正覺大佛塔。當法王在佛塔東門下車時,在門口迎接的是正覺大佛塔寺院的管理委員會秘書成員多傑.南屆(Dorje Namzey)、負責領導僧眾的尊貴的龐地.加林達(Pande Chalinda),以及覺囊派堪千仁波切確吉.南巴.確格(Choe-kyi Nangpa Chog)等人。
法王坐在法座上,面朝三個華麗精美的朵瑪。中間的朵瑪是釋迦牟尼佛,右邊是十四世紀的覺囊派學者崑嚴.多叵巴(Kunkhyen Dolpopa)塑像(撰注他空見和時輪金剛密續的雪樂嘉增),左邊是傑舜.塔然那塔(Jetsun Taranatha)(1575-1634,被公認為當時最偉大的學者、歷史學家和實修者)。
His Holiness was requested to attend the 8th Jonang Monlam and to lead the prayer ceremonies. At the Jonang Monlam entrance gate, His Holiness was welcomed by Khen Rinpoche Choe-kyi Nangpa Chog of the Jonang Tradition. His Holiness was escorted to the main shrine room inside the Mahabodhi Stupa by monks carrying incense and playing gyalin. His Holiness prostrated and recited prayers before making his way to the enclosure in front of the Bodhi Tree, to join the morning session of the Jonang Monlam.
Many people were gathered at the Jonang Monlam, mostly monks and nuns, some Tibetan laypeople, and a scattered crowd of foreign tourists and Westerners. After a mandala offering was made to His Holiness, he completed his visit by circumambulating the outer circuit, followed by a large crowd of devotees.