法王新闻 | 2009年12月


Gyalwang Karmapa Launches Official Website for Environmental Protection: Khoryug.com


時間:2009年12月22日下午 22 Dec., 2009
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 德噶寺 Tergar Monastery in Bodhigaya, India





環保會議上,法王 「直指空性」?










接著,我要「直指空性」給你們看哦。(法王開始一張張播放圖片)這是庭院的樹,這是十公尺外的高空看到的樹,然後一公里外,十公里外 ,一萬公里外……十的十七次方是一光年,到一百萬光年,連銀河系都只剩一個小光點,地球更是完全看不見了。剛剛是拉遠看,接著,我們要反個方向拉近看,這是一片樹葉,這是縮小十倍的,一百倍的……一直到十的負14次方,夸克內部,就是「空性」了。




地球有兩百種物種,人只是其中一種。我為世界野生基金會工作,知道目前地球上有十九有生存危機的物種,來自三個西藏高地。為什麼西藏的環境保護這麼重要,因為三種高地都在西藏。 西藏的冰河對全世界的水源,都是很重要的源頭,長江、黃河等亞洲主要河川的來源,都來自西藏。現在西藏氣候變化的速度是十倍速變遷,在一些不該有蚊子的地方也有了,這是個警訊,顯示地球環境的變化。很多冰河都已經消失了,從1968年和 2008年兩張照片對比,就可以發現嚴重性。在喜瑪拉雅山麓,也發生了冰河溶化的洪災。人類這種單一物種,對資源的過度使用方式,引起了氣候變遷。



兩年前,我被徵召來為噶舉做一個環保計畫。法王說必須包括,水資源、森林、野生動物、廢棄物處理等五項。法王要求我們要將環保手冊翻譯成更多語言。在鹿野苑舉行環保會議中,有許多寺院參加,我們總結了108 項方法來保護環境,各寺院請求成立組織,十月召開會議,重點在各寺院可以實際採取什麼行動,如去察看水源地是如何變枯竭的。由於法王的慈悲和遠見,所以同意成立「自然環境保育組織」,這個組織,不只噶舉派寺院參加,格魯派也有寺院表示希望加入。













(法王開示後,舉行「環境保育網站」開幕儀式,請法王啟動使用儀式,法王點選進入首頁 http://www.khoryug.com ,再點入環保開示影片)


This afternoon, in the packed assembly hall of Tergar Monastery, His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa formally launched www.khoryug.com, a Tibetan and English-language website dedicated to environmental protection. The website offers educational resources on environmental protection, news on environmental projects underway in Kagyu monasteries and nunneries, and offers a forum for people interested in the environment. Khoryug.com forms part of a larger series of projects that His Holiness has undertaken to protect the earth for future generations, goals for which will eventually restore the natural environment of Tibet and the Himalayan areas. As such, khoryug.com follows the emerging pattern of the activities of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, to work for the well-being of others in ways that are both immeasurably vast and yet eminently practical.

The event opened with a presentation by Dekila Chungyalpa, Director of the Greater Mekong area for the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) – the single largest organization devoted to environmental protection in the world. Dekila has served His Holiness as coordinator for his activities to protect the environment, and she stressed the importance of geographical areas that are part of the larger Tibetan cultural zone. She noted that three of the 19 areas in the world chosen for special attention by the WWF, for their value in terms of biodiversity, fall within Tibet and the Himalayan region. The rate of change in Tibetan and the Himalayan areas is ten times faster than elsewhere, with glaciers visibly melting from year to year. In addition, the mountains of this area are the source of rivers that support millions of people. As such, the environmental condition of Tibet and the Himalayas has particularly far-reaching consequences. Dekila described a number of projects that participants in the Kagyu Monlam can participate in to clean the environment around Bodhgaya itself.

Khenpo Kelsang Nyima from Rumtek spoke next, commenting on the experience that many of the Tibetan monastics had when attending the first environmental conference convened by His Holiness in March 2009 in Varanasi. “His Holiness led us to see,” he said, “how beautiful a place the world is.” He further emphasized that His Holiness had impressed on the monastics present that “we humans have created the problem, through our greed, and must take responsibility for solving it.” Khenpo Kelsang Nyima praised His Holiness for his constant and far-reaching concern for others and for, not only caring for those in the present, anticipating dangers in the future and working proactively to avert them. The Khenpo then offered a report on the practical steps taken by the Kagyu monasteries and nunneries to work for their own local environments. A wide range of projects were implemented, including cleaning water sources, planting trees, separating waste and recycling, composting, installing solar heaters, converting to low-energy bulbs, ending the use of plastic bags and bottles, and much more.

Next to speak was the Gyalwang Karmapa himself. His Holiness presented the need to work for the environment as a logical extension of our Dharma practice, connecting it to our Mahayana commitment to benefit others, and to live in a way that is consistent with the basic fact of interdependence.

In a powerful address, His Holiness urged the audience to ask themselves whether the beautiful aspirations and prayers they make in the morning are carried out in their actions throughout the day. Often when opportunities arise to work to benefit others, we do not seize them, and if we ask ourselves why this is so, it is usually because we are simply working for our own egocentric concerns. “Too often we behave as if others existed for us, and as if the Earth was ours alone to use as we wish,” His Holiness said, “and our actions based on such attitudes have had cumulative effects that are devastating for the Earth itself.”

Drawing on the point made earlier by Dekila, that we humans are but one of the immense number of species of life on this planet: His Holiness added that we, nevertheless, dominate the planet as if it were ours alone, and we are responsible for virtually all the damage done to it. His Holiness emphasized that this attitude is inappropriate as well as damaging given our total dependence on others, and especially on the earth itself, for our well-being and for our very survival. The Gyalwang Karmapa noted that without the plants that yield oxygen, we would not even be able to draw a single breath.

Using a Powerpoint presentation to underscore his points with images, His Holiness took the audience on a dazzling tour of the galaxy, pointing out along the way that we humans have nowhere else to go if we destroy the earth’s natural environment.

“Yet unlike humans, the earth is endlessly forgiving,” His Holiness noted.

“When someone commits heinous crimes, such as murder, he is shunned and expelled from human society. Yet however much harm we do to her, the Earth never banishes us. Despite all the damage we have done thus far, she has never given up on us, but continues to yield her resources to us with great generosity. We, therefore, all have a responsibility to consider what practical steps we can do to respond in kind to this great kindness that we receive from the Earth.”

The event concluded with a moving rendition of the song Aspiration for the World, composed by His Holiness himself and sung by a chorus of students from the Tibetan Children’s Village School.

Although the primary audience for the presentation were Tibetan monks and nuns, translators were on hand to deliver the message to the international audience in nine different languages. Many were in Bodhgaya to attend the upcoming Kagyu Monlam and the annual winter teachings for foreign students. For these students, the focus on taking steps to care for the environment, as an extension of Dharma practice, had a particular poignancy. One student from Mexico, visiting India for the first time, commented afterwards: one of the most pressing questions she had, from her stay in Bodhgaya thus far, was” how to respond practically to the great pain and suffering visible all around?” With His Holiness’ message on environmental protection, as a way to take care for others, and the upcoming projects to work directly to clean the local environment in Bodhgaya, “her question is answered,” she said.

Gyalwang Karmapa Launches Official Website for Environmental Protection: Khoryug.com
