法王新闻 | 2010年02月
時間:2010年6月27-29日 June 27-29, 2010
地點:印度 上密院 Gyuto
This year marks the 900th year since the birth of the First Karmapa Dhuesum Khenpa (1110-1193), who founded the lineage of Kagyu in 1139 C.E.
Tsurphu Labrang hosted a three day meeting in Gyuto to organize the 900th year celebration of Karmapa. His Holiness chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were 31 representatives of different Karma Kamtsang monasteries and nunneries from India, Nepal and Bhutan; The Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, representing Karmapa Foundation in America; Drupon Rinpoche, General Secretary of His Holiness Karmapa; Ringu Tulku, representing Karmapa Network Europe, Mr. Sonam Damdul, Member of Parliament of Tibetan Government in Exile; and Scholar Tashi Tsering, from Amnye Machen Institute.
為籌備噶瑪巴九百週年慶典,在法王的主持下,楚布辦公室連續三天在上密院舉行籌備會議。出席的人員有來自噶瑪岡倉(Karma Kamtsang )於印度、尼泊爾、與不丹等地寺院與尼院的31位代表、代表美國噶瑪巴基金會的卓千本樂仁波切(Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche)、法王的秘書總長竹奔仁波切(Drupon Rinpoche)、代表噶瑪巴歐洲聯網(Karmapa Network Europe)的林谷祖古仁波切(Ringu Tulku)、西藏流亡政府的國會議員索南丹都先生(Mr. Sonam Damdul)、以及來自阿尼瑪卿學院(Amnye Machen Institute)的學者扎西次凌(Tashi Tsering)。
It was decided that the celebration would be for one year beginning from the 8th of December, 2010 (that is 2nd day of the 11th month) to 27th Dec 2011 (3rd day of the 11th month according to Tibetan Lunar calendar). The opening ceremony will be from the 8th-9th of December, in Bodhgaya, and the closing ceremony would be for one week from the 21st-27th December 2011 in New Delhi. There will be exhibitions, resource person talks, and teachings from His Holiness Karmapa, Khenchen Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche, Dorlob Tenga Rinpoche, Karma Chagme Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso Rinpoche, Bayoe Rinpoche, Khenpo Kathar Rinpoche and Khenpo Lodro Dhonyoe.
會中決議噶瑪巴九百週年慶將為期一年,時間是由2010年12月8日(藏曆11月2日)至2011年12月27日(藏曆11月3日)。開幕式定在12月8日與9日兩天,於菩提迦耶舉行﹔閉幕式定在2011年12月21日至27日,於新德里(New Delhi)舉行。慶典內容將有文物展、演講、與開示。演講者包括有法王、堪千創古仁波切、天噶仁波切(Dorlob Tenga Rinpoche)、噶瑪恰美仁波切(Karma Chagme Rinpoche)、堪布竹清仁波切( Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso Rinpoche)、巴由仁波切(Bayoe Rinpoche)、堪布卡塔仁波切(Khenpo Kathar Rinpoche)、與堪布洛卓東由(Khenpo Lodro Dhonyoe)。