法王新闻 | 2010年10月
時間:2010年10月13-15日 October 13 to 15, 2010
地點:印度 孟買 Mumbai
His Holiness successfully completed his Mumbai tour which was requested by Bouddha Sabah Association, Chembur. His Holiness inaugurated the Bouddha Vihara at Chembur and gave teaching at Dr. Ambedkar High School ground where thousands of people have gathered.
Local MLA Shri Chandrakant Handore gave a hearty reception for His Holiness.
In His teaching, His Holiness emphasized the importance of understanding our human nature through proper study in Buddhist teaching and exemplary paths followed by Dr. Ambedkar and others. True peace and happiness does not lie in materialistic development but lies in mental progress through proper understanding of Buddha’s teaching.
His Holiness appreciated all members for their tireless work for the construction of the Buddha Vihara and preservation of Buddha’s Teaching by following the foot steps of Dr. Ambedkar, the great scholar and visionary.