法王新闻 | 2010年11月


Pays Homage at Mahabodhi Stupa


地點:印度 菩提迦耶
時間:2010年11月20日 November 20, 2010

The Gyalwang Karmapa left first thing in the morning with a small entourage to pay homage at the central shrine of Buddhism, the Mahabodhi Temple, home to the Bodhi tree and other sites linked with the time when Shakyamuni Buddha attained enlightenment.

The Gyalwang Karmapa was welcomed by Mr N.T. Dorje, Secretary of the Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee, and the Head Monk-in-Charge the Venerable Pande Chalinda. His Holiness was escorted in procession through the Mahabodhi Stupa Ground and went directly to the main shrine room. Having prostrated three times, he presented traditional offerings of light, fruit, flowers, a donation and a new golden silk robe for the Buddha image, and recited prayers.
法王首先受到菩提迦耶寺院管理委員會秘書多傑先生(N.T.Dorje)與住持潘德察林達(Pande Chalinda)的歡迎,接著在護衛隊伍的擁簇下,直接進入正覺大塔的主殿內。法王先是向殿中莊嚴的金色佛像行三頂禮,接著獻上傳統的供品,包括有燈燭、水果、鮮花、供養金以及一套嶄新的金色絲綢法衣,並唸誦祈願文。

Leaving the shrine room, Gyalwang Karmapa walked around to the area behind the temple, under the Bodhi tree, where he joined a session of a Guru Rinpoche Tsog, at the request of a local Drukpa Kagyu Monastery, Sangak Choeling Monastery, the sponsor of the tsog.
從佛殿出來後,法王步行至正覺大塔的後方,應邀參加正在菩提樹下舉行的一場蓮師薈供;薈供的主辦者是當地一間名為桑噶秋林寺(Sangak Choeling Monastery)的竹巴噶舉寺院。
