法王新闻 | 2010年12月
時間:2010年12月03日 03rd Dec., 2010
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 魯特學院 ROOT INSTITUTE, Bodhigaya, India
This was the fifth occasion on which the Gyalwang Karmapa has visited the Root Institute, an FPMT centre in Bodhgaya. The Institute had requested a short teaching on the Heart Sutra for a group of course participants and staff at the centre, who were joined in the small shrine room by other residents and Dharma students.
這是法王噶瑪巴第五次訪視位於菩提迦耶大乘法脈聯合會(FPMT)的魯特學院 (ROOT INSTITUTE)。應該機構的請求,法王在小佛殿內給予中心的學員及工作人員一段心經的簡短開示,當地的居民與佛法學生也出席同霑法益。
After opening prayers led by two monks from Namgyal Branch Monastery in Bodhgaya, the Gyalwang Karmapa began his talk by expressing appreciation to the Root Institute for their work in helping the poor and disadvantaged people of the area. Some of their work includes the Shakyamuni Buddha Health Care Programme and the Tara Children’s Project, which cares for HIV-positive orphans. His Holiness emphasized the ideal importance of transforming compassion into positive action.
在由菩提迦耶南嘉分院 (Namgyal Branch Monastery)的兩位僧眾所帶領的祈願文唸誦之後,法王噶瑪巴首先感謝魯特學院 (ROOT INSTITUTE)為該地區的窮病者所做的貢獻,其中包括了「釋迦牟尼佛健康關懷計劃」及關懷愛滋病帶原孤兒的「度母孩童計劃」。法王強調將理想中的悲心轉化成實際行動的重要性。
He then moved on to explore, firstly, the interdependence of all phenomena, and then the profound meaning of emptiness and its application in everyday life: how an understanding of emptiness can help us see things as they really are, helping us break through the veil of illusion which prevents us from appreciating the fundamental nature of all phenomena. Emptiness is not to be confused with nihilism, rather it should be seen as opportunity. Because of emptiness it is possible for all phenomena to manifest; emptiness is the fundamental nature of all phenomena.
Following his talk, the Gyalwang Karmapa met and spoke with children from the Tara Project and helped launch a small hot air balloon proclaiming: SAVE THE CLIMATE ACT NOW. He also talked with local people working in various capacities at the Institute.
開示結束後,法王會見了「度母孩童計劃」所贊助的孩童們,然後與學院中不同單位的當地工作人員會談,並且協助一個小熱汽球的升空活動,氣球上面寫著: 「拯救氣候,即刻行動」。