法王新闻 | 2010年12月


『Karmapa 900』Offers Clean Water to the People of Bodh Gaya as a Gift of Gratitude


時間:2010年12月8日 2:30pm December 8, 2010
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 正覺大塔正門前飲水塔 Bodhgaya
揭幕主持:法王噶瑪巴 鄔金欽列多傑
主辦:噶舉環境保護組織 www.khoryug.com




今天下午2:30,這項飲水塔的啟用儀式,就在「噶舉環境保護組織」主辦下展開,恭請飲水塔經費贊助人 法王噶瑪巴蒞臨主持揭幕儀式。在南傳法師以巴利文念誦「吉祥緣起」祈願文之後,法王和「菩提迦耶寺院管理委員會」主席Bantey Bhikku Chalinda拉開以花縵編結的花簾,牆上一塊鑴刻了梵文、藏文、英文三種語言的石碑乍現,法王的祈願也出現在眾人面前:


第十七世 法王噶瑪巴鄔金欽列多傑 敬識於2010年12月8日

應邀致辭的「菩提迦耶寺院管理委員會」(BTMC)代表Dr. R.H.Mishra,也代表當地民眾表達感謝的心意,他真誠的說:「水,是一切生命的必需,沒有水,生命就不能存活。噶瑪巴把清淨的飲水塔供養給菩提迦耶,就是把生命賜給在地的人們。」

這座在第一世噶瑪巴杜松虔巴誕辰九百周年開幕式這天啟用的飲水塔,有三個水龍頭,每小時最高可供應500公升的清淨飲用水,緣起是去年法王 噶瑪巴看到祈願法會期間大眾飲用許多包裝水,礦泉水瓶用之後空瓶多未能妥善處理,易造成環境負擔,法王因此油然興起想為大眾裝置一座清淨飲水塔的心願。



8th of December 2010, marks the celebration of the auspicious opening of the Karmapa 900 ceremony, a year-long event, which commemorates the birth of the founder of the Karma Kagyu Lineage; Dusum Khyenpa. As part of the celebration, Khoryug inaugurated a clean drinking water facility, gifted by His Holiness the Karmapa to the Bodh Gaya Temple Management Committee.

The water facility is powered by a high-tech water filter, which provides 500 liters per hour and was installed by the company Aqua Solutions from Bangalore. The quality of the water is equal to and in some cases, surpasses that of bottled water. It is situated along the entrance to the main gate of the Mahabodhi Stupa and will be managed by the Bodh Gaya Temple Management Committee (BTMC) in the future.

His Holiness conceived of this project during the 2009 Kagyu Monlam, when he noticed that a lot of plastic waste was being generated due to people drinking bottled water. He was informed that public water filters are found only in a few places in Bodh Gaya. He said:

“Bodh Gaya is the place where Buddha was enlightened, which means that it is the birthplace of the most-valued teachings of wisdom and compassion. We should treat this land with respect and protect its natural environment. During Buddha’s time, the river Niranjana flowed gloriously. But, these days, we hear that it is drying up. We must do everything we can to protect these water sources and to minimize wastes that are polluting this sacred land.”

The inauguration was attended by Chief Guest, Bantey Bhikku Chalinda, Chief Monk of Bodgaya Temple, and representative member from BTMC, Dr. R.H. Mishra, Khoryug monks and nuns, press, and hundreds of followers. The Representative of BTMC thanked His Holiness, and said that water is the source of life and therefore, this gift of water would benefit the poorest of the poor, and the downtrodden the most.

His Holiness said that he hopes his followers will use water from this source as an alternative to bottled water since the plastic waste that is then generated can take up to a million years to decompose naturally and emits toxic fumes when burned.

“Bodh Gaya hosts the Kagyu Monlam every year and provides for the needs for thousands of followers from the Kagyu lineage. I offer this small project in gratitude to the kindness showered on us. Without water, there can be no life. I pray that this source of clean water benefits the local people of Bodh Gaya as well as the visitors who come here for pilgrimage.”

Following the inauguration ceremony which included special prayers of auspiciousness and blessings, throngs of people gathered at the taps to collect water, which they now considered to be “Due-tsi” or nectar.

Bamboo批:后两图片是Bamboo2018年初在菩提迦耶拍的,但此处在正觉大塔附近,竟然和一处公厕修在一起。大塔正门处是有一个饮水处,上面写的是正觉大塔委员会建的。猜想是被“移花接木”了。大凡大宝做的善事,都会被黑。 所以,印度这个地方还是不要回去了。