法王新闻 | 2010年12月


『28th Kagyu Monlam』Alms Procession


時間:2010年12月22日 10:00~11:30am
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 正覺大塔 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhigaya, India


At around 10 o’clock the alms procession began. First Khenchen Yongzin Thrangu Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche and Khenpo Lodoe Donyo Rinpoche came forward with a monk’s staff in hand. Then the gelong lined up behind them. Gyaltsap Rinpoche watch as the alms procession goes by. As each monk approached the steps leading to the exit gate they were handed a large, black metal alms bowl.

A few evenings earlier, His Holiness had conducted a lively rehearsal at Tergar Monastery to ensure that we knew how to receive and hold the bowl. He had called a group of monks forward and each was handed a bowl. At that point, His Holiness handed the microphone over to one of the discipline masters, and then, to the delight of those watching, gave a comic demonstration of how not to do it—holding the bowl lopsided, holding it too high, holding it too close to the body, and so on. Then he demonstrated how to walk, with the monks following him. Suddenly he speeded up and raced round the Dukhang. Laughter filled the hall, but, as always, His Holiness, in choosing comedy, had chosen exactly the correct approach so that we would not forget the correct way to hold the bowl, with the left hand supporting the bowl beneath and the right holding the rim, or the correct pace, steady and dignified, not too slow and not too fast.


视频 Video

At the end of the alms procession all the gelong and gelongma went to the rose garden, a beautiful park which is right next to the Mahabodhi temple and is usually not open to the public, for the final Monlam lunch.

HIs Holiness who had been leaning against the back of his chair when we came in, sat up very straight, took up his bowl and began the meal and then all followed. His Holiness maintained this very straight posture for the whole meal.

At the end he said a few words in Tibetan and then in Chinese, reminding the monks and nuns of the kindness of the donors and volunteers and to dedicate their merit to them. Then he thanked the sponsors and volunteers for their meritorious work which made all of this possible.

The final prayers for the hungry spirits were said. Then His Holiness arose and left with the Rinpoches, after which all the monks and nuns got up, removed their chogus and exited the warm, sunny park.

正午陽光燦爛的鹿苑公園裡,玫瑰花盛放,花香隱約流動,數十位義工迅速、敏捷的奉上飯、菜,五百席缽飯已準備就緒,完成行腳的僧眾一一敷座而坐,在法王 噶瑪巴審視下,所有行儀一一自在而莊嚴的進行著。待全部僧眾就座,法王與僧眾持誦飲食供養文,隨即進用缽飯。法王子蔣貢康楚仁波切、嘉察仁波切坐於法王左側,傳承長老創古仁波切與天噶仁波切坐於右則,與467位僧眾一起依古制進用缽飯。約30分鐘後,完成這項用缽飯行持。
