法王新闻 | 2010年12月


『28th Kagyu Monlam』Appreciation Of The Sponsors, And Special Address

時間:2010年12月22日 3:00-5:00pm
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 正覺大塔 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhigaya, India

向文〉Recite the sponsors'
name and dedications


As the assembly gathered for the fourth session of the day, a space was cleared between the front rows where the highest lamas were seated. Fewer than a dozen cushions were set out, and monks slowly began escorting forward a small number of people whose generosity had played a crucial role in making the 28th Kagyu MonlamChenmo possible. When all had been seated facing His Holiness, with Lama Chodrak in the front row, the special appreciation of sponsors commenced.


After expressing his gratitude for their support, His Holiness conducted a special ceremony in which each sponsor personally, and the entire assembly, were blessed one by one, for auspiciousness, by the eight auspicious substances and symbols.


法王開示:Special Address:




His Holiness prefaced his special address with the disclaimer that he had already spoken so much during the three days of teachings, and the previous eight days of Kagyu Monlam that there was little left to say. His treasure chest of Dharma was in fact not inexhaustible, he stated, and was in fact now running out. Nevertheless, as usual His Holiness did indeed have apparently endless reserves of Dharma wisdom to draw on, and went on to outline three major topics.


Environmental Protection, Modern Education For Monastics, And Health And Hygiene

  • First, elaborating on an issue that has long been of great concern to him, the Gyalwang Karmapa spoke on the urgent need to act to protect the natural environment. Global warming has had a particularly strong impact on the Himayalan region, he noted, urging monasteries in the region to take the lead, and to make a strong impact on the issue through their own environmental protection activities. His Holiness noted that the Karma Kagyu monasteries and nunneries have made inroads in that direction, holding conferences to raise awareness and taking concrete measure in environmental protections. Tens of thousands of trees have been planted, and the Gyalwang Karmapa warmly commended that fact, but cautioned that environmental action should not be limited to the monastery. To do it in a way that the broader community is included and involved would be very good, His Holiness added. This is not something to be done by working out a philosophical position on the issue, or making prayers and offering tormas. Rather, urging his followers to take practical steps to protect the environment, His Holiness said that what is necessary is direct action.
  • The Gyalwang Karmapa’s second major point related to the education of young monks and nuns. Generally, each monastery runs its own affairs, and maintains its practice, ritual and educational programs, he commented. This is worthy of praise and a cause of rejoicing, yet,he added, until we are enlightened, there will always be room for improvement in our activities. Monasteries are home to large numbers of young monks and nuns, and, as they now do, it is important that they continue to develop skills in the areas of ritual practice and monastic study. Yet there is also a need for them to receive a modern education. When they grow older, if they remain in the monasteries they will require such an education in order to uphold the Dharma in a way suited to modern society. In the event that they they later choose not to continue their lives as monastics, they will need skills that allow them to function within society and earn a livelihood. The monastery has a responsibility to provide such an education, and could not content itself with caring for their physical needs, as if they were just so many horses kept in a corral. Along with a Dharma education, monks and nuns should receive a basic grounding in science and other basic subjects. Otherwise, they run the risk of being left behind by the world, he said. His Holiness commented that he himself took a personal interest in studying such subjects. The Gyalwang Karmapa said he had no specific programs to suggest, but would like to ask the lamas, leaders of the monasteries and nunneries and others to begin consulting on how to achieve these aims.
  • 我也針對這方面有一些計畫,各位寺院住持和照顧僧眾的執事們,大家要提起勇氣,相信「我一定要做這個,相信會有成果出現的」,把教育年幼僧伽的責任放在心中。

  • The third point that His Holiness addressed was health and hygiene. His Holiness pointed out that he has not had the opportunity to slip into all the monasteries’ kitchens to see for himself how much sugar was being consumed and what the level of cleanliness was. Yet, he joked, he would be delighted to be able to make inspection tours to determine how salty the food was. In any case, His Holiness stressed the importance of keeping the utensils and cookware very clean. Tibetans and other people around the Himalayan region tend to use a great deal of salt, butter and sugar, and can hardly eat their food if it has no chili. But because monasteries are feeding large numbers of people they have a serious responsibility to work to improve health and hygiene in their kitchens. The point is not simply to make the food better tasting, but to ensure that it nourishes the body.
  • ■佛法重點:自淨其意,降伏自己的心

    As he often does, the Gyalwang Karmapa articulated a vision wherein such care about health and hygiene should begin in the monasteries and nunneries, but then spread to the surrounding society.

    His Holiness concluded his special address with Dharma advice, stressing the importance of taming one’s own mind, and becoming a good person who accepts responsibility for making positive contributions to the world.

    Our parents cared for us and did not cast us aside, His Holiness said, and this value that they saw in us is something for us to live up to. It is up to us to make this life we have received from them meaningful.


    The Gyalwang Karmapa spoke of his childhood in a nomad community in Tibet. The soft green grass served as a couch and a bed, and this closeness to the natural environment brought with it a respect for that environment. In the modern world, and particularly in urban environments, His Holiness noted, we have become increasingly alienated from nature.



    In offering a final message of thanks, His Holiness reported that nearly a thousand people had joined together to work to make the Kagyu Monlam possible. He singled out the contributions of Lama Chodrak, who had been serving the Kagyu Monlam for several decades. The Gyalwang Karmapa next thanked the sponsors, and stressed the importance of making vast dedications that are free of pride.

    Reserving his final remarks to the kindness of all in attendance, His Holiness expressed his appreciation to the many lamas there for blessing the Monlam with their presence. He praised the sangha for their steadfast contribution, and then pointed out the tremendous efforts made by international attendees, the hardship and sacrifice they had to undergo to join the great mandala of the Kagyu Monlam. It was this vast assembly of people from around the world who made the Kagyu Monlam possible, and he thanked everyone warmly, before the final reading of the Great Dedication of this 28th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo.




    ■好好迴向,圓滿二資糧 Closing Dedication Prayers

    For eight days the assembly of Rinpoches, monks, nuns and laypeople had gathered under the Bodhi tree in the presence of His Holiness the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa and Rinpoches of the Kagyu lineage in order to offer prayers for the well-being of the world and all sentient beings.

    Throughout the Monlam His Holiness had stressed our connection from beginningless time with all sentient beings, our dependence on them, and the need for all Dharma practice to arise from a basis of bodhicitta, always bearing the welfare of others in mind. He had emphasised the wide reach and inclusiveness of the Dharma, and warned of the danger of being partisan: the mistaken mindset which thinks only of ‘our lineage’, ‘our monastery’, ’our teachers’ to the exclusion of others. Even criticising another faith, he had admonished us, might be construed as abandoning the Dharma. When he gave the Akshobhya empowerment and instructed us in the practices associated with it, he repeatedly reminded us that it should be not only for our own sake but for the benefit of all sentient beings.




    謝謝在座的明就仁波切,還有這次法會能迎請第一世噶瑪巴聖像,持有聖像的巴佑仁波切,他也全程參與了法會,謝謝他。還有要謝謝止貢仁波切、堪布 東由仁波切等仁波切,還有這麼多仁波切、堪布們,還有在座的僧眾,這次有來自格魯、薩迦、寧瑪的僧眾,一起為世界和平、眾生幸福而祈願,在此謝謝每位僧眾的參與!








    So it is fitting that each year the Monlam concludes with the great prayers for dedication of merit and declarations of auspiciousness including The Great Aspiration and Dedications;




    〈密勒願文〉(P456)Mila’s Aspiration
    〈雪域安樂願文〉(P460)the Aspiration for the Well-Being of Tibet
    〈吉祥授位道歌〉(P312)Marpa’s Song of Auspiciousness
    〈三寶吉祥文〉(P279)The Dharma Blaze Aspiration

    During the The Auspiciousness of the Great Encampment, the assembly chants the memorable lines:

    May people from different lands with different languages,
    And of different races,
    Frequently assemble here in joy and ease.
    May that auspiciousness prevail.

    在大眾齊唱〈噶瑪巴千諾〉聲中,法王 噶瑪巴由壇城請下第一世噶瑪巴杜松虔巴聖像,由儀仗鼓號隊迎請離場,法會至5:30圓滿結束。

    And looking across what remains of the stone foundations and ancient relics in the Mahabodhi grounds at the joyful faces of more than 7000 people —Tibetans, other Himalayan peoples, Chinese, Europeans, Malaysians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Americans, a score of other nationalities—it seems that this aspiration has already been fulfilled under the leadership of the Gyalwang Karmapa.



    Finally, there is a vigorous waving of khatags [white silk scarves] as the 28th Kagyu Monlam Chenmo concludes with Prayers to Accomplish the Truth and the words:

    May the world have the good fortune of happiness!
    We ask that the world be made happy.