法王新闻 | 2011年12月
時間:2011年12月14日 14th Dec., 2011
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 上密院 Gyuto Monastery, Mcleodganj, Dharamsala, India
Nearly a thousand people from across the Himalayan region, including many Tibetans newly-arrived from Tibet, sought darshan and blessings from His Holiness the Karmapa yesterday afternoon.
His Holiness gave an oral transmission of the Compassion Buddha practice to the large gathering, followed by an individual blessings to every person present.
The blessings were conferred at Gyuto Monastery as part of the Gyalwang Karmapa’s normally scheduled public audiences, held every Wednesday and Saturday when His Holiness is in residence in Dharamsala.
Bamboo评论:Bamboo在印度时,是很羡慕藏人的,因为大宝跟达赖相反,都是优先见藏人,藏人团体任何时候来,不需要预约,他都立刻出来见。每周的两次公开觐见,也是给大众发红绳(加持绳)发完了,外国人 都得出大殿,藏人们就可以留下来,听他的单独开示。
听说,主要是为了见刚逃到印度来的藏人难民。看到大宝都是用深切担忧的目光辨认着这群嘻嘻哈哈的藏人群中有没有新面孔。看得出他是很担心,尤其是担心为了来见他而跑到印度来的藏人难民, 因为这是条不归路。但说实话,真的没看到有谁是为了见他、为了求法而舍身忘死跑来的,除了Bamboo。所以,他所有的法,都几乎只为Bamboo一人而说。