法王新闻 | 2012年06月


『The Fourth Kagyu Conference On Environmental Protection』Disaster Preparedness•Day One

༄༅།། བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་པའི་རང་བྱུང་ཁོར་ཡུག་སྲུང་སྐྱོབ་ཀྱི་ཚོགས་འདུ་ཐེངས་བཞི་པ། ཉིན་གཅིག།


時間:2012年06月05-09日 05-09 June, 2012
地點:地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 羅布林卡 Norbulingkha, Dharamsala, India

Celebrating World Environment Day, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa and the Honorable Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament Pempa Tsering launched the 4th Khoryug Conference on Environmental Protection for Tibetan Buddhist Monasteries.
在世界環保日這一天,尊聖的第十七世大寶法王噶瑪巴與貴賓西藏流亡政府國會發言人貝瑪.次凌先生(Pempa Tsering)為第四屆「藏傳佛教寺院環境保護研討會」揭開序幕。

The goals of the conference are to provide environmental education on biodiversity and climate change, and to train the monastic representatives to learn climate adaptation strategies and to develop disaster preparedness plans for their monasteries. Over sixty representatives from forty-five monasteries which acrosses the Himalayas and South Asia attended this five days' conference.


Given the focus of this year’s conference, it seemed appropriate that, as the delegates gathered in the grounds of the Norbulingka Institute to await the arrival of His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa, the temperature was climbing steadily to 42 degrees. This year, Dharamsala has experienced both unusually severe winter conditions, with snow filling the Kangra Valley for the first time in fifty years, and unusually high summer temperatures. It is a reminder to everyone present that we are now living with climate change impacts.
會眾於羅布林卡學院的廣場中恭候法王的到來之際,當地氣溫持續平穩地攀昇到攝氏42度,反應出今年環保研討會氣候變遷的主題極為適切。達蘭莎拉今年的氣候非比尋常,冬季份外地嚴寒,岡格拉山谷(Kangra Valley)的降雪為五十年來首見,而夏季的酷暑也突破往年的記錄,這些在在提醒著在場的每一個人:我們正活在氣候變遷的影響之中。

After prayers for the auspiciousness of the gathering, the Gyalwang Karmapa opened the conference by saying “Preserving the biodiversity and the ecosystems of our region should be like the effortless practice of dharma for us. Our basic motivation to protect the environment should come from the pure desire to benefit all sentient beings on earth since without the environment, there can be no life.”

The conference facilitator, Dekila Chungyalpa, director of the WWF Sacred Earth Program, based in Washington DC, gave the first presentation.
此次會議的協調人德其樂.瓊嘉巴(Dekila Chungyalpa)給予首場正式的演講。德其樂.瓊嘉巴為「世界野生動物基金」美國華盛頓特區總部的「神聖地球計劃」的主任。


The afternoon session was devoted to feedback from the various monastic institutions present, detailing what they had been doing in the past year to further environmental protection. Projects range from the truly impressive including thousands native trees planted in degraded watersheds to the humble where many monasteries put aside a day in the month to clean their community and town areas.
