法王新闻 | 2012年11月
時間:2012年11月14日 14 Nov., 2012
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 正觉塔 Mahabodhi Stupa, Bodhgaya, India
His Holiness left Tergar Monastery at 9 am today to pay homage at the central shrine of Buddhism, the Mahabodhi Temple.
法王受到菩提迦耶寺院管理委員會(Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee)的主事僧人潘德.察林達(Bande Chalinda)的歡迎。
His Holiness was welcomed by the Head Monk-in-Charge the Venerable Bande Chalinda of the Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee.
離開主殿後,法王行至正覺大塔背面的廣場,於菩提樹下正在進行中的夏忠寺院(Shabdrung monastery)祈願法會的壇城前獻上哈達。
Leaving the shrine room, H.H. walked round to the area behind the temple, under the Bodhi tree, where he offered khatas at the alters of the ongoing Shabdrung monastery’s Monlam prayer.
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