法王新闻 | 2013年01月
時間:2013年1月6日 6th Jan., 2013
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 噶舉大祈願舞台 Monlam Pavilion, Bodhigaya, India
Uploaded on Oct. 01, 2022
Last updated on Jan. 09, 2024
When teaching on compassion, the Gyalwang Karmapa has continuously emphasised that feeling compassion towards other sentient beings was not enough.
Our compassion has to be turned into action. As temperatures dipped to freezing point and below across North India, the Gyalwang Karmapa bought and distributed
over a thousand warm blankets to Bodhgaya's poorest.
Several thousand people from Bodhgaya and nearby villagers, mostly women with small children, queued for hours at the gates to the Monlam Pavilion before
the scheduled time of 3:00pm. The Gyalwang Karmapa then spent nearly an hour inside the Monlam Pavilion personally handing out the thick woollen blankets
to each delighted recipient. Their stressed and worn faces lit up as they received the Gyalwang Karmapa's gift, together with his compassionate blessing.
Later, as they dispersed across the surrounding fields cluthing their new blankets, their delight could be clearly seen on their smiling faces. Later that evening,
the brand new grey blankets could be seen wrapped aroud the shoulders of many of the beggars living Bodhgaya's streets.
This active expression of the Gyalwang Karmapa's compassion has helped protect over one thousand people from the deadly cold. Every winter thousands of people,
many of them homeless, die from cold across North India. Each of the thousand new blankets gifted by the Gyalwang Karmapa is made from thick wool,
perfectly suited to the freezing winter conditions.
Bamboo注:2022年12月19日,Bamboo在墨西哥街头遇见大宝时,他身上只裹了一条当地流浪汉都能领到的灰底毛毯, 因为他知道Bamboo2013年在kagyumonlam.org上看到这篇藏、中、英三语都有的文章时,觉得练英文和藏文不错,抄了好几遍,所以印象深刻。事实上Bamboo虽然见冬天流浪汉身上都裹了这么一条,但也不知道哪里可以领,可大宝却知道。想来,他是想告诉Bamboo,你曾经做过的每一件善事,将来都会在你危难时成为你的救护。(2024年1月09日)