法王新闻 | 2014年01月


『31st Kagyu Monlam』Inauguration of Extended Veterinarian Camp Programme

༄༅།། དུད་འགྲོའི་རིན་མེད་སྨན་བཅོས་སྡེ་ཚན་གྱི་མཛད་སྒོའི་ཉིན་གྱི་གསུང་བཤད།

图片来源:Layjang Vol.08

時間:2014年01月24日 24 Jan., 2014
地點:印度 菩提迦耶 嘠千大營地義診帳篷 Siddhartha Vihara, Bodhgaya, India

Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi was Chief Guest at the inauguration of this new initiative by Kagyupa International Monlam Trust aimed at alleviating the suffering of animals in Gaya District, Bihar, and thereby improving the health of the local human population too. Mrs. Gandhi has been a long-standing member of the Parliament serving as a minister in four Governments, and is renowned for her love and care for animals.


During her political career she has worked to pass important legislation, including specific measures to protect the environment, to promote social welfare and to protect the rights of animals. She helped set up new institutions such as the National Zoo Authority and the Animal Welfare Board of India. She also runs her own animal sanctuary in the heart of New Delhi, named in honour of her late husband, Sanjay Gandhi. This sanctuary, established in 1983, is the largest of its kind in Asia and cares for 3000 animals at any one time.

24日上午,法王為首屆動物義診舉行揭幕。以保護動物而著名的印度國會議員莫妮卡.甘地(Maneka Gandhi)女士,特地由德里前來支持,現場並有數百位僧尼與國際弟子觀禮。

图片来源:Layjang Vol.08
图片来源:Layjang Vol.08

The Chief Guest and His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa, accompanied by Guest-of-Honour Sri. Namzey Dorjee, secretary of the Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee, and other VIPs then trudged across the field, now much drier than the muddy morass left by heavy rain a few days ago, to the tented area of the Animal Camp, where they were able to meet the vets and para-vets, and watch them in action.

Other VIP guests at the event included Shyamdeo Paswan, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Prem Kumar, former minister and present Member of the Legislative Assembly of Gaya, and Hari Manjhi, Member of Parliament.

國會議員哈日.曼季(Hari Manjhi)、立法議會(Member of Legislative Assembly)議員殊揚迪歐.帕斯汪(Shyamdeo Paswan )、前迦耶(Gaya)總理現任立法議會議員裴.庫瑪先生(Prem Kumar)、「菩提迦耶寺院管理委員會」(BTMC)秘書南傑.多傑先生(Namzey Dorjee)、菩提迦耶市長裴蒂.辛女士(Priti Singh)及其夫婿蘇瑞旭.辛先生(Suresh Singh)、政府市郊管理部官員以及地方顯要等亦在出席者之列。

Bamboo评论:Bamboo当时也在现场,所以对这位莫妮卡•甘地女士有些印象。后来还为了大宝能自由一点的事去德里找过她,她当然不会见Bamboo这种升斗小民,但她的秘书给了Bamboo她的邮箱,给她发了邮件后,她也认真回复说:"在新一届政府上台后,会为大宝的事努力。"后来大宝在莫迪上台后,果然出国自由了很多,显然这位女士很信守承诺。 但后来发生的事,尤其Bamboo的瞎折腾,不知有没连累到她。

