法王新闻 | 2015年11月
時間:2015年11月6日 November 6, 2015
地点: 印度 瓦拉納西 智流文化中心 Jnana-Pravaha Centre for Cultural Studies & Research, Varanasi, India
當今世界所需的教法 Dharma for This World of Ours
The sounds of Karmapa Khyenno played through the white canopies set out on a sunny green lawn while the Ganges flowed nearby along its ancient course. This peaceful landscape of the Jnana-Pravaha Centre was the setting for a dialogue between spiritual teachers entitled, Awakening the Light of the Dharma: How to Uphold Dharma in the World Today. The Gyalwang Karmapa gave the keynote speech at this meeting focused on issues close to his heart.
The gathering brought together spiritual leaders from a variety of Buddhist and Hindu persuasions, Sufi, Jewish, and Theosophist teachers along with professors from Benares Hindu University joined by representatives from other academic and cultural institutions. The conference was mainly sponsored by the Jnana-Pravaha Centre and the Global Peace Initiative of Women (GPIW), based in New York. Its founder, Dena Merriam, introduced the conference speaking from her long-term commitment to inner development as an essential element in the positive transformation of the global community.
She spoke of the pervasive violence in the world today toward the women, the environment, and animals. To deal with this problem, she said, we have learn to think in terms of the whole web of life; we need a long-term vision, an understanding of the laws of cause and effect along with an increased respect and humility towards the earth’s community of life. For this to happen, an inner transformation has to come first before an external one.
在開幕式的致詞中,「全球女性和平促進會」的創辦人丹娜.瑪瑞安(Dena Merriam)說明她長期努力的志業:希望以內在的提升做為推動全球正向轉變的關鍵。在談到當今普遍存在的對女性、自然環境和動物的暴力時,她表示,我們必須學會以整體的生命網來思考這個問題;我們眼光要長遠,也就是要明白因果的定律,同時要更加尊重地球所有的生命。而要達到這個目標,內在的轉變必須先於外在的轉變。
Marianne Marstrand, Executive Director of GPIW, introduced the Gyalwang Karmapa as someone who expresses a deep concern for the earth and her living systems and one who shares his wisdom and insight with young people around the world so that they do not lose hope in these times.
「全球女性和平促進會」的執行長瑪麗安.馬斯權(Marianne Marstrand)在介紹法王時,稱法王是一位深刻關懷地球及其生命系統的人;他在全世界與新生代分享他的智慧和洞見,使得年輕人不至在困頓時失去希望。
The Karmapa closed his talk by saying how delighted he was to see Dharma gurus and students at the conference and offered his best wishes and prayers that all be auspicious. Afterward, he took questions from two students.
During this first morning of the conference, the esteemed speakers also included Sri Jagadguru Dr. Chandrashethar Shivacharya Mahaswami from Varanasi, Radhanath Swami, a teacher of Bhakti-yoga, and the famous woman teacher Anandamurti Gurumaa. The conference will continue through November 8 with further presentations and discussions.
上午的會議中,發言者還包括來自瓦拉納西(Varanasi)的桑札些達博士(Sri Jagadguru Dr. Chandrashethar Shivacharya Mahaswami)、來自虔信瑜伽(Bhakti-yoga)的惹達那斯大師(Radhanath Swami),以及著名的教母安娜達慕蒂.咕嚕瑪(Anandamurti Gurumaa)。這場會談將持續至11月8日,並且會有更多的演說和討論。