法王新闻 | 2016年06月
時間:2016年6月4日 June 4, 2016
地點: 法国 巴黎 左岸萬豪飯店及會議中心 Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center, Paris, France
法王在巴黎著名的左岸萬豪飯店及會議中心(Paris Marriott Rive Gauche Hotel & Conference Center) 接見數千名藏人。來自歐洲各地的藏人扶老攜幼,從銀髮盤髻、笑容慈祥的老奶奶,到傳統藏袍內搭牛仔褲、髮型新潮的年輕小伙子,整個會場熱鬧非凡。一群身著傳統西藏白上衣、黑外袍的十位男士,以及八位髮辮披肩的年輕女士,聯合演唱一首西藏歌曲以表達對法王的歡迎。
This afternoon The Conference Center of the Marriott Hotel on the famous Left Bank of Paris was filled with thousands of Tibetans of all ages, from an old woman with sweet smile who wore an elegant chupa in brown brocade and her thinning grey hair tied back in a bun, down to the young generation of men wearing jeans under their chupa and their hair in the latest style, part cut very close and other long, looking in this context as if they were half lay and half monk. A group of ten in white shirts and black chupas joined eight young women, who were also dressed in back and white with their hair in long plaits down their backs, as they all welcomed the Karmapa with a Tibetan song.
The leader of the association of Tibetans offered an official welcome to His Holiness, explaining that they sought to improve the position of Tibetans in France and had established a school for Tibetan language while also studying Tibetan culture. He requested the Karmapa to give the transmission of Avalokiteshvara’s six-syllable mantra and the mantra of Guru Rinpoche, and in closing, supplicated him to sustain a nonsectarian approach and live a very long life.
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