法王新闻 | 2017年05月
時間:2017年5月27日上午 May 27, 2017
地點:英國 漢普郡 Aldershot, Hampshire, England
主办单位:英國佛教社區中心 Buddhist Community Centre UK
今晨法王前往愛德索 (Aldershot) ,訪問那裡的尼泊爾社區。
法王此行是應英國佛教社區中心(Buddhist Community Centre UK)的邀請,造訪這個以軍事駐防區,以及英國廓爾喀傭兵社區而聞名的優美地區。2006年廓爾喀兵獲准在英國定居後,翌年2007年卡吉.雪巴(Kaji Sherpa)便創辦了英國佛教社區中心,希望為英國東南部日益增加的佛教人口,成立一所佛教寺院。
具有200名會員的英國佛教社區中心,負責法王首度英國弘法之行當中的兩項行程:今天上午法王對該中心的訪問,以及下午在鄰近的湖畔國際旅店(Lakeside International Hotel)的長壽灌頂。
致詞中,主席暨大英帝國員佐勳章持有者那瑞恩.古榮中尉(Lt Narayan Gurung MBE)向法王介紹英國佛教社區中心的活動。
Early on this day of the Karmapa’s visit to the Nepali community in Aldershot.
The Karmapa was invited by the Buddhist Community Centre UK to this beautiful area of England, famous for its military garrisons and home to a sizeable population of Gurkha soldiers who have served in the British army. In 2006 they were allowed to live in England and in 2007, the Buddhist Community Centre UK was founded by Mr. Kaji Sherpa. He had the vision of establishing a Buddhist monastery to serve the growing Buddhist Community in this southeast region of the UK.
His daughter explained that about half of the Gurkha population in Nepal is Buddhist, and that her father felt a need for Buddhist guidance in this community, so a committee of Nepalis purchased a social club and completely transformed it into a Buddhist monastery.
Their organization has about 200 members, who helped to plan and execute two events: the Karmapa’s visit to their center this morning and a long-life empowerment at the nearby Lakeside International Hotel in the afternoon.
The Chairperson, Lt Narayan Gurung MBE, welcomed the Karmapa and spoke about the activities of the BCCUK.
Before lunch with a large group of followers, he stopped for rest and refreshment at a cottage by the lake.
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