法王新闻 | 2018年02月



时序更迭,值此辞旧迎新之际,恰是我们应当意念无常之时。佛陀所喻示的无常之道,其真正内涵是为:事物并不会长久地停留在同一种状态 或阶段,而是持续不断地处在变化当中。换言之,每一时日,乃至每一分、每一秒都是一个崭新的开始。
以我而言,从一介凡者摇身成为一位法王,从自己熟悉的雪域藏地,离乡背井而落脚印度。多年来,历经种种变动。 今年情况再次不同以往——农历春节,适逢身在美国,就我个人来说,亦是一种前所未有的经验。爰此,我谨于美国将新年祝福由衷地献给所有的每一位。祈愿大家戌犬新年事事如意,吉 祥圆满!(这是法王亲自写的中文祝词,不是翻译哦)

On this first day of the Tibetan Year of the Earth Dog, Losar Tashi Delek to everyone, especially my brothers and sisters in Tibet and members of the Tibetan and Himalayan communities outside Tibet.
May His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama live long, and may this Year of the Earth Dog bring peace, health and happiness to all. Particularly, I pray that those in Tibet who have been separated from their families and friends may be reunited quickly and that the Tibetan people may live together in unity, harmony and peace.
Since I left Tibet eighteen years ago, so many things have happened to me. By accident, this year I am spending Losar in America, but my heart and mind is always with the Tibetan people in Tibet and I hope that soon I will be able to meet with my parents once more and meet with Tibetans in Tibet.
愿十四世达赖喇嘛尊者活得长久,愿今年狗年会给所有人带来和平、健康和幸福。特别是,我祈祷西藏与家人和朋友分离的人可以很快团聚, 西藏人民可以团结、和睦相处、和平共处。
