法王新闻 | 2022年04月
時間:2022年04月09日 09th April, 2022 21:00-22:00(北京时间)
Uploaded on 2022.04.15
Last updated on 2023.04.05
Authentic Dharma Practice
那么透过网路观看的我们说的“皈依处”,尤其是尼众们,还有所有的善知识们,各地的法友们,所有的朋友们,大家身体健康,大家好! 今天是谶摩春季课程的第10天、第10堂课。我们这次春季的课程大概会讲到第20还是21个颂文,讲到第21个偈文。(Bamboo:事实上只讲到第20个偈文,后面有一堂课被替换成假的了。) 所以,还剩下3个颂文,也是课程接近尾声了。
从22个颂文开始到之后,我们会从明年开始讲,应该明年就可以讲完。再后年要讲什么样的内容,再听听大家讨论之后的意见,我再做一个决定。今天要跟各位讲的就是,法王 《妙行解脱自传》当中的第18个颂文。
The Karmapa continued his discussion of the second part of the passage about meditating on relative bodhichitta according to Sangye Paldrup's commentary: Taking adversity as the path in post-meditation.
This section has ten sub-topics and today's teaching began with the eighth sub-topic: Taking things going well or badly as the path.
8. འབྱོར་རྒུད་ལམ་ཁྱེར།
Taking things going well or badly as the path
转兴衰为道用༡༨༽ དམུ་རྒོད་སེམས་ཅན་རིས་ནི་མཐའ་ཡས་ཕྱིར། ། དར་ན་དར་བས་ཐར་ཐབས་མི་ཤེས་རྨོངས། ། རྒུད་ན་རྒུད་པས་ཐར་ཐབས་མི་ཤེས་རྨོོངས། ། རྨོངས་པའི་ལས་ཚུལ་དྲན་ཚེ་བཟོད་གླགས་མེད། ། འདི་ཡང་བདག་གི་ལེགས་སྤྱད་ཡིན་སྙམ་བགྱིད། །
Infinite are the kinds of barbaric beings. When things go well, since things are going well, They’re ignorant of the means for liberation. When things go badly, since things are going badly, They’re ignorant of the means for liberation. I could not bear the thought of their deluded acts. I think of this as one of my good deeds.(18)
During Mikyö Dorje's lifetime, the Karmapa explained, most people were uneducated. They hadn't been trained how to think. Their mindstreams were
untamed and they were rough and often incorrigible, so it was difficult to change them. They included some "people who upheld, protected, and spread
the teachings", people in whom others placed their hopes, some of whom "were given lofty names". When things went well for them and their group,
they had everything they needed and weren't concerned that there were few monks in the monasteries. Their work for their monasteries kept them busy
day and night and acted as a distraction. Consequently, their characters became intractable and rigid, so it was extremely difficult for them to mix
their mindstreams with the dharma.
Bamboo评论:大宝七岁坐床,弘法了三十年,大概是唯一一个没有属于他的寺庙,也没有一个他养的僧人或弟子。甚至没有任何他名下的不动产和动产,他住锡在上密院时,平时出入坐的车, 别人都强调这是法王办公室的财物,不是大宝法王的财产。长期住锡的是格鲁派的寺庙;主管他一切财物和行程的噶玛巴办公室的头头是宁玛派的竹庆本乐仁波切;中文官网是萨迦派的宗萨仁波切的弟子在管理和经营; 其他的打着他名头的什么“正法电子书(dharmaebooks.org)”等网站的经营者都是创古老妖的人。所以“出家戒”最重要一条“不捉持金钱戒”,他的确持守得古往今来独步天下。
为什么要弄成这样呢?他刚到印度时,噶玛巴办公室是由大司徒仁波切的总管掌管的,之后就突然死了;建噶举祈愿会场时,大司徒仁波切的大施主,“内燃”家族的人倾尽全力地帮忙,结果也突然死了; 和不顾封禁坚持要来见大宝的波卡仁波切也突然死了;大宝坐床的鼎立支持者——英国籍的阿贡仁波切也突然在西藏被杀了。
大宝后来就选了宁玛派的竹庆本乐仁波切来掌管自己的办公室,竹庆本乐仁波切是宁玛派,又是美国籍, 达赖集团不敢杀;台湾中文网的经营者是萨迦派的宗萨仁波切的人,宗萨仁波切是不丹人,不想得罪不丹,达赖集团不敢动台湾中文网;控制锡金十六世噶玛巴几个法座的国师嘉察仁波切有锡金的鼎立支持,况且从小 无依无靠的嘉察仁波切也是创古老妖选中,里应外合一起早早送十六世上西天的合作伙伴,所以达赖和中共都对他很放心;创古老妖嘛,即是达赖的人,又有土共的支持,达赖集团当然不会动,也不敢动。大司徒仁波切早早入了印度籍,没有任何政治靠山, 所以,他的人达赖集团就根本不必顾忌,这和波卡仁波切是一样的。阿贡仁波切是英国籍,在西藏被杀后,英国这边竟然还呼吁不要追究杀人者,所以这种半路换国籍的是最没靠山的。靠山也不一定是哪国政府、权贵,和你同宗同籍、同语言、同文化的老百姓也是啊。
When things went badly for them and their group, they did everything they could to restore what they had lost. They were so distracted by their thoughts and busyness
that they had no time to think about the means to achieve liberation and omniscience, nor were there many people who knew the path to liberation. When people had
leisure time, they would relax and enjoy the pleasures of food, drink, sleep, and lolling about—very few thought about practising the dharma.
When people came to see him, Mikyö Dorje would invariably ask questions in great detail about how old they were and what they had been doing. He
grew immensely concerned when it seemed from their replies that they were wasting their lives. He would speak to them very directly with words that
hit the mark. The Karmapa gave an example. Mikyö Dorje would ask, "Do you smell the scent of rot in your nose or mouth?" The students would be surprised
and reply that they did not. Mikyö Dorje would say, "That’s really amazing! Everything inside you has rotted, and you don’t even smell it. That’s really strange.”
He was pointing out to them very clearly that they had wasted the facilities of their human life.
Bamboo评论:以前我母亲坐在电脑前看股票,Bamboo如果站她身边说话,她每次都会莫名其妙的坐立不安,说“你身上有股臭味。”Bamboo很奇怪,用手捂住嘴,使劲哈了口气,再用鼻子闻闻,不觉得有口臭啊!就问她哪里臭, 她也说不出来,就是说你臭。所以米觉多杰就跟Bamboo母亲一样,神经质的很。就跟大宝前面说的,这些来听他开示的人“的确没什么知识,不太会思考。”想听这种开示,去精神病院好了,里面这种大师多得很。
Many people would come to ask for dharma teachings. He would admonish them:
The main aspects of the 18th good deed
第18个颂文的重点དང་པོ། ཉམས་ལེན་བྱེད་ཟེར་དུས་བསམ་བློ་གཏོང་སྟངས་གང་འདྲ་ཞིག་དགོས།
The understanding and way of thinking necessary for practice.
一、应该要如何理解和看待所谓的修行;གཉིས་པ། གང་འདྲ་ཞིག་ལ་ངོ་མ་ཆོས་བྱེད་པ་ཟེར།
What practising dharma really means.
二、怎么样才是做到真正的修法;གསུམ་པ། དར་རྒུད་བྱུང་དུས་ཆོས་ཉམས་ལེན་བྱེད་པའི་གོ་སྐབས་བཟང་ཤོས་ཡིན།
The best opportunities for practice are when things are going well or badly.
I 什么才是修行
The understanding and way of thinking necessary for practice.
Many people continue to think that practice means reciting prayers, offering pujas, reciting mantras, life releases, and so forth. Moreover, people
often believe that practice only happens in the shrine room or sitting in front of the household shrine.
譬如说,你到了一个人家的时候,你没见到父亲在哪,你问小孩:“爸爸在哪里?”小孩就说:“爸爸在佛堂,在修行。”小孩为什么会说:“爸爸在修行?” 因为爸爸在佛堂里面,所以你就觉得他在修行,因为他在那个空间,你就觉得他在修行,就是那个感觉。
的话,这样对于什么是修行还是不是真实的了解。譬如说,你口头可能在念经,但你心中可能还是烦恼,想着轮回中的,这还是不行的。所以,真正的修行是超越了外相,它是更深刻一些的。(Bamboo: 想起《道德经》的‘道可道,非常道’。)
Of course, the Karmapa clarified, reciting prayers, pujas and life release are part of dharma practice, but if you think that they are the sum of dharma
practice, you have misunderstood.Practising the dharma goes much deeper and should not be confused with the external appearances of practice. While you
are reciting prayers, your mind can be elsewhere and you might be harbouring a myriad of thoughts. Truly practising dharma is far more profound.
Some people think of dharma practice as a high-level activity and approach it as if it were similar to work, demanding application and meticulousness.
Others believe that dharma practice is boring and have little interest in it. Some see practising dharma as very complicated and difficult activity that
can be both challenging and boring, like having to read an old, historical document, so it’s difficult to be enthusiastic. Alternatively, they think it’s
like studying mathematics which can be extremely demanding, so you have to work really hard and think hard—you have to meditate and focus on complicated
visualisations. All these misconceptions put many people off practising dharma.
Then there are some people who say they want to practice the dharma but they need perfect conditions in order to practice. They need to feel comfortable;
it mustn’t be too hot, like in India sometimes, or too cold. However, before they can begin, there’s a lot of work to be done. They need to check all their
WhatsApp or WeChat messages, and their Facebook, count the number of ‘likes’, and write replies. Then, they must also eat because their stomachs have to be
full. Basically, after everything that needs to be done has been done, when they have a little bit of free time, only then do they sit down on their meditation
cushion and try to do a little dharma practice. It seems as if they lead really busy lives, when, in fact, they are not doing much of value. Yet, they never
have time to practice the dharma.
There are several faults to seeing dharma practice in this way, the Karmapa warned, and illustrated his point with two stories.
During the later spread of the teachings in Tibet, the one with the greatest activity on behalf of the Buddhadharma and the broadest influence was Jowo Atisha. He had
many students, but one in particular was known as Naljorpa Chenpo [Great Yogi]. He was a fully ordained monk and served as Atisha’s attendant.
Shortly before Atisha died, Naljorpa Chenpo said to him, “After you have passed away, I’m going to practice the dharma just as you have taught. I’m going to dedicate the rest of my life to meditation.”
Usually, if someone told a lama that they would spend the rest of their life in meditation, you would expect the lama to be happy and commend them, but Atisha didn’t praise him. Instead, Atisha posed this question: “Can your meditating actually become dharma?”
Naljorpa Chenpo reflected on this: ”If meditation cannot become dharma, then perhaps I should teach others dharma. How would that be?” Atisha replied, “It’s fine to teach dharma, but will teaching dharma really become dharma?”
Confused, Naljorpa Chenpo asked, “So what is the best thing for me to do? What can I do that would actually become dharma?”
Atisha told him, “All of you should follow Geshe Tӧnpa as your teacher.”
格西敦巴就是仲敦巴, 仲敦巴不是出家人,他是一个在家居士,但是“大瑜伽士”是个比丘。意思就是要所有的比丘弟子去依止一个居士。所以,当时他的弟子听完可能会蛮疑惑的,尊者怎么会这样说。
This was an extraordinary command because Geshe Tӧnpa [Dromtӧnpa] was a layperson and only held the lay vows, whereas Naljorpa Chenpo and many of the other students were bhikshus.接着他第二句说什么?他就说:“舍弃今生。”
Atisha gave him a second piece of advice, “You have to give up on this life.”
这是一个重点。所以,到底什么样的修持算是佛法?你如果抓到这个重点,你有舍弃今生,不贪今生的话,那么这就算是佛法,就算是在做修持。 这是一个故事。
This is the crux of whether what you are doing is dharma practice or not: if you haven’t given up on this life, nothing you do will become dharma. If you put this life out of your mind, whatever you do becomes dharma.Bamboo评论: 以前听这个故事,那时没说得那么详细。总是不明白要怎么“舍弃今生”,难道“不活了”?去自杀吗?
就像Bamboo做这个网站,把大宝的讲法、言行和自己的体悟都记录下来,既是自己的上课笔记,以供自己学习和复习;也或许可以给后世之人,包括自己的来生留下一些珍贵的资料,希望自己的来生看到这些 详细的修法记录,就不会像今生的前半生一样迷茫和痛苦了。
The second story concerned Dromtӧnpa.
After Atisha died, Dromtӧnpa went to the Reting Tsampo Valley north of Lhasa, where he founded Reting monastery, the monastery which became the seat of the Kadampa tradition.
A certain monk came to stay at Reting. Each day this monk would perform the longer more-demanding outer circumambulation of the monastery. One day, while he was performing
his circumambulations, Dromtӧnpa came outside and met the monk.
仲敦巴见到这个弟子在绕寺院,就说:“你绕寺院很好,但如果你去做一个真的修持的话,会更好。”僧人就想,我不是在绕寺院,这不是修行吗?一般人的想法都是这样的。 他因为觉得这就是修行,所以才在绕寺院。但仲敦巴却跟他说:“你绕也是很好,但如果你再做一个真正的修持,会更好。” “It’s very good that you are circumambulating,” said Dromtӧnpa, “but would it not be better if you actually practised the dharma?” This seems a very strange thing to say, because many people viewcircumambulation around a sacred place as dharma practice.
The monk pondered Dromtӧnpa’s comment and decided that prostration must be better and more beneficialthan circumambulation. So, he found a spot within the monastery and began
prostrating all day long. “Like we do when we complete the 100,000 prostrations in the ngӧndro,” the Karmapa added. Then, one day, Dromtӧnpa came by while the monk was prostrating.
“It’s very good that you are prostrating,” said Dromtӧnpa, “but would it not be better if you actually practised the dharma?”
The monk was very puzzled. If prostration wasn’t dharma practice, what should he do instead that was dharma practice? He decided that it must be better to study the great
sacred texts, so he went to the monastery library and began reading the Kangyur and Tengyur. Then, one day, Dromtӧnpa came by and saw the monk sitting there reading.
“It’s very good that you are reading the sacred texts, said Dromtӧnpa, ”but would it not be better if you actually practised the dharma?”
By now, the monk was totally confused. Circumambulation wasn’t dharma practice. Prostrating wasn’t dharma practice. Reading the sacred texts wasn’t dharma practice. He decided
that the best dharma practice must be meditation, so he began to meditate, hoping that Dromtӧnpa would now commend his dharma practice.
And finally, one day, Dromtӧnpa passed by while the monk was meditating.
“It’s very good that you are meditating,” he said, “but would it not be better to actually practise the dharma?”
By this point, the monk had no idea what he was supposed to do. He had done everything he considered to be dharma practice, yet Dromtӧnpa had said categorically that they weren’t
dharma practice. The monk begged Dromtӧnpa, “Please tell me what dharma practice I should do.” And Dromtӧnpa replied, “You need to put this life out of your mind. Put this life out of your mind.
Put this life out of your mind.” He repeated it three times.
External forms are not dharma practice. The important thing is your state of mind. If your way of thinking is correct, no matter what you do, everything can become dharma practice. If your state
of mind is not correct, though there might be the external appearance of dharma practice, it is not dharma. The question is whether your practice is transformative, whether it can transform your mind, and whether it can benefit your mind or not.
Judging by the external appearance can be misleading. Someone chanting manis seemingly with devotion could be wishing harm on others in their minds.
Bamboo评论:2018年初,在菩提迦耶,因为大宝没回印度。Bamboo也就没参加什么“祈愿法会”,每天去正觉塔修一小时“曼达”,再读一小时藏文。 旁边有个喇嘛也在修“曼达”,但他是从早坐到晚,一两个月就修完了十万遍的。喇嘛看上去人很好,但不会任何外语,看Bamboo会说一点点藏语,就很高兴的样子。
他每天心无旁骛地修着曼达,连Bamboo都觉得他真的很精进,可堪供养。一个月后,“十万遍曼达”修完了,这时候他就不知道该干嘛了,想“读经”,但从早到晚读经也没啥意思。最后实在不知道 该干嘛才显示他在修行,他就只好又开始修“曼达”。但已经没有了任务和目标,修“曼达”也变得心不在焉了。这时候看上去Bamboo也不觉得他是个修行人了。
而那个修曼达的喇嘛如果每天能分出一些时间来学点文化知识,比如英语或中文,可以跟来正觉塔的信众介绍点佛法,不是更真实的“献曼达”吗?然后他的座位铺了一层又一层的垫子,从早到晚,一天24小时,座位都一直霸着正觉塔的地盘, 难道不知道损福报这回事吗?没有巨大的福报是修不了佛法的。而这个喇嘛在Bamboo看来已经是正觉塔里这些整天坐着的出家人里最像样的一个了。
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