法王新闻 | 2008年05月


『US Tour』New York「Awakening the Heart of Enlightenment」• Afternoon Session

搖滾歌手 盧.瑞的表演

時間:2008年5月17日 Saturday 17th May, 2008
地點:美国 紐約 曼哈頓中心 漢墨斯坦大廳 Hammerstein-Ballroom-Audience, Manhattan, New York, U.S.

In the afternoon, to the apparent delight and astonishment of the audience, the teaching was preceded by a musical tribute by the legendary performer Lou Reed, accompanied by two other musicians. Reed sang his song “Perfect Day” (from the 1972 album “Transformer”) and a new song called “Power of the Heart.”
下午的課程之前,主辦單位特別安排了音樂表演來做為開場,受邀表演的搖滾樂手Lou Reed 演唱了他的知名歌曲「喔﹗多麼美好的一天」及新曲「Power of the Heart」。

His Holiness then entered the stage and shook hands with Reed and thanked him for the performance, and said in English “Now it’s my time” — again evoking laughter from the entire audience as the Karmapa took his seat.
隨後法王從容進入台上,揮手致意並感謝Reed 的演唱。法王用英語說了一句:『Now it’s my time!』全場聽眾再度報以笑聲與掌聲。

His Holiness taught in the afternoon on compassion and the inseparability of self and other.

His Holiness also spoke about afflictive emotions such as anger and desire.


『US Tour』New York「Awakening the Heart of Enlightenment」•Morning Session