法王新闻 | 2012年10月
時間:2012年10月26日上午 26 Oct., 2012
地點:印度 達蘭沙拉 鐸宗佛學院 Dorzong Monastery, Dharamsala, India
主办单位:度母曼達拉 Tara Mandala
法王欽列多傑,在一場史無前例的三天集法會中,賜予「断法」(又译为「断除四魔」,和「施身法」)灌頂與開示。「断法」為西元11世紀的西藏女瑜伽士瑪姬.拉尊(Machig Labdron)所開展出的修行方法。
(26 October, 2012, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh) In an unprecedented three-day event, His Holiness the 17thKarmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is granting initiation and teachings on Chöd. A spiritual practice developed by Machig Labdron, a Tibetan yogini in the 11th century.
此「断法」灌頂與開示由10月26日至28日於喜馬偕爾邦(Himachal Pradesh)康惹村(Kangra)的鐸宗佛學院內舉行。鐸宗佛學院是第八世鐸宗仁波切(Dorzong Rinpoche)的寺院;鐸宗仁波切為竹巴噶舉傳承的持有長老。
The teachings and empowerment are taking place through 28 October and hosted at Dorzong Monastic Institute (Jangchub Jong) in Kangra Valley, Himachal Pradesh, by His Eminence the 8th Dorzong Rinpoche, a highly respected senior lineage holder within the Drugpa Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
噶瑪巴是「断法」直系傳承的史上持有者。「断法」立基於印度佛教本尊般若佛母(Prajnaparamita),藏傳佛教的八大實修傳承中,「断法」是唯一由女性所創建的傳承。有鑒於此,「度母曼達拉」(Tara Mandala)特別贊助多位喜馬拉雅地區的尼師參加此次法會;「度母曼達拉」位於美國科羅拉多州,是由素淳.艾莉昂喇嘛所創立的主修「断法」的金剛乘佛教組織。素淳.艾莉昂喇嘛1970年由第十六世噶瑪巴剃度出家,其後還俗改以在家身份修行,此次代表全球的女性修行者向法王請法。
he Gyalwang Karmapas are the historical holders of the direct lineage of Chöd, which is based on the Indian Buddhist deity Prajnaparamita, the Mother of all the Buddhas, embodiment of wisdom. Of the eight practice lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Chöd is the only lineage established by a woman. In that spirit, Tara Mandala, a Vajrayana Buddhist organization that focuses on the Chöd lineage, based in Colorado, U.S.A. and founded by Lama Tsultrim Allione, sponsored numerous delegations of nuns from across the Himalayas to attend this event.
法王上午傳授的灌頂,依據的是第三世噶瑪巴讓炯多傑的〈開啟入虛空之門〉(Opening the Door to Space)。
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