法王新闻 | 2017年05月


Heart Advice to Kagyu Samye Ling and Samye Dzong

時間:2017年5月22日 May 22, 2017
地點:英國倫敦 Kagyu Samye Dzong Tibetan Buddhist Centre, London, England

法王鄔金欽列多傑造訪噶舉寺院桑耶林(Samye Dzong)位於倫桑分院的桑耶宗佛學中心(Kagyu Samye Dzong Tibetan Buddhist Centre),受到桑耶林和桑耶宗全體成員,以西藏傳統的迎賓儀式的熱烈歡迎。

噶舉桑耶宗佛學中心,是蘇格蘭噶舉桑耶林在倫敦的分院。1967年,噶舉桑耶林由兩位噶舉上師邱陽創巴仁波切(Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche)和阿貢祖古仁波切博士(Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche)所創建。噶舉桑耶林是藏傳佛教在西方成立的第一所寺院,它的名字來自於在西藏成立的第一所寺院桑耶寺。創寺的兩位仁波切都是第十六世法王噶瑪巴讓炯多傑的親近弟子,因此第十六世法王對桑耶林的發展極為關切,他不僅造訪過桑耶林兩次,還在桑耶林舉行過金剛黑寶冠儀式、灌頂和開示。


倫敦噶舉桑耶宗佛學中心成立於1998年,但直至2009年搬遷到一棟宏偉的維多利亞式建築後,它才開始有了自己的永久性硬體設施。這棟位於南華克區(Southwark)斯巴街(Spa Road)的建築,原本是伯蒙西(Bermondsey)的大眾圖書館,經桑耶宗佛學中心接手和整修後,於2010年正式啟用。



As the Karmapa’s car drew to a halt in the street outside Kagyu Samye Dzong Tibetan Buddhist Centre, the combined Samye Ling and Samye Dzong Sangha greeted him in traditional Tibetan style.

Kagyu Samye Dzong is a branch of Kagyu Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland. The latter was founded in 1967 by two Kagyu masters, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dr. Akong Tulku Rinpoche. As the first ever Tibetan Buddhist center to be established in the West, it took its name after Samye, the first monastery to be established in Tibet. The two Rinpoches were heart disciples of the 16th Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, who took a great interest in its development. Not only did he visit twice, performing the Vajra Crown ceremony and giving empowerments and teachings, but he also assured Akong Rinpoche of the long- term future of Buddhism in the West in general and at Samye Ling specifically.

When Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche left for the USA in 1970, Akong Rinpoche continued the project, and it expanded to include a network of branch monasteries in the UK, Europe, and South Africa under the Samye Dzong organization.

Kagyu Samye Dzong London was founded in 1998 but it was only in 2009 that it was finally able to move to a permanent home in a grand Victorian building, which was originally the Bermondsey public library situated in Spa Road, Southwark. After some refurbishment, the centre opened in 2010.

2017 is the year in which Samye Ling is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary and this has coincided auspiciously with the 17th Karmapa’s first visit to London.

In the early afternoon, the Karmapa came down to the main shrine room to be officially welcomed by 35 members of the Samye Ling and Samye Dzong Sangha and an audience of 150 guests, representing the worldwide Samye Dzong community.

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