法王新闻 | 2017年05月


The Royal Asiatic Society Speech

時間:2017年5月23日 May 23, 2017
地點:英國倫敦 The Royal Asiatic Society, London, England

今日法王前往著名的皇家亞洲學會(Royal Asiatic Society),向英國西藏協會(Tibet Society)的資深核心會員發表環保演說。

英國西藏協會是世界上第一個支持西藏的團體。協會主席暨大英帝國官佐勳章(OBE)的持有者費德瑞克.海德-千伯斯(Fredri ck Hyde-Chambers)首先介紹英國和西藏的關係,以及該協會目前護持西藏運動的各項活動。協會董事暨前英國國會議員諾曼.貝克(Rt Hon Norman Baker)引用法王在《崇高之心》書中的一句話來歡迎法王:「保護環境即是關照所有眾生的一種方式。」

演講結束後,接著由觀眾發問。問答結束後,西藏協會副主席次凌.札西(Tsering Tashi)向法王表示感謝並致贈禮品。與會大眾受邀至皇家亞洲學會的三樓享用茶點,協會會員則有與法王進一步互動的機會。

Today the Gyalwang Karmapa came to the famous Royal Asiatic Society to speak about the environment with long-term, core members of the Tibet Society, the world’s first ever Tibetan support group. The Chair, Fredrick Hyde-Chambers OBE, delineated the history of UK and Tibetan relations and the Society’s current activities to support the Tibetan cause. President of the Society, Rt Hon Norman Baker, welcomed the Karmapa with a quote from his book, The Heart is Noble: “To protect the environment is a way to care for all sentient beings.”

At the end of the Karmapa’s talk, Tsering Tashi, the Vice-Chair of Tibet Society, gave thanks to the Karmapa and offered him a gift. The audience was invited to the third floor of the Royal Asiatic Society where copious refreshments awaited and members were also were able to meet with the Karmapa.

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