法王新闻 | 2021年03月
开示時間:2021年3月05日晚上10:30-11:30(北京/台北/香港)March 05, 2021
English text source from: aryakshema website
The Seventh Good Deed: How He Practised the Path of the Lesser Individual
Part 3: The Eighth Good Deed – Practicing the path of the middling individual and removing the harmful view of the self
སྐྱེས་བུ་འབྲིང་གི་ལས་ཐུགས་ཉམས་སུ་བསྟར་ཚུལ། How he practiced the path of the middling individual 实践中士道之法
༨༽ གཏིང་ནས་སྐྱེ་བའི་རྒྱ་མཚོ་མ་ཕྱིན་ན། ། ཁམས་གསུམ་གར་ཡང་བདེ་འབྱོར་མི་རྟག་པས། ། ནམ་མཁས་ཁྱབ་ཚད་ཁམས་གསུམ་འཁོར་བ་ནས། ། ནམ་གཞག་གཏན་གྱི་ཐར་པ་ནམ་ཐོབ་སྙམ། ། འདི་ཡང་བདག་གི་ལེགས་སྤྱད་ཡིན་སྙམ་བགྱིད། །
Unless we fully cross the ocean of birth and death, Nowhere in the three realms are pleasures and riches permanent. I wondered, when will I liberate forever All beings throughout space from the three realms of samsara? I think of this as one of my good deeds.
(8) 若非徹渡生死之海,任憑三界之隅,喜悅富足總是無常。故而時時思量:遍虛空眾生,何時方能從三界輪迴中永取解脫?此謂我妙行之一。
Mikyö Dorje’s eighth good deed was how he practiced the path of the middling individual. This relates to how having a view of the self and having afflictions in our own being are harmful. In the path of the lesser individual, avoiding harming other sentient beings is the most important. That is the path of karma, cause, and effect. However, not inflicting harm on beings in the short term does not mean they are liberated from harm altogether. This is because in the being’s own continuum, there are karma and the afflictions which are the basis of causing harm. There are also an infinite number of other sentient beings with whom they have a karmic connection, who may harm them.
所以由于这样的一个原因,真正的症结点在哪里?要断除的伤害的根本是什么?其实就是我们自心上的「业跟烦恼」。「烦恼」可以说就是你的一种动机,但真正实际 的作为就是罪业。所以,如果不造作罪业的话,就算三界一切的恶人都结集起来,要对你制造伤害,你也不会受到伤害(Bamboo批:理论上是这样,但还关系到自己的智慧取舍和能力的问题。就像现在没有一个国家敢发签证给Bamboo,所以要如何做决定,便是一个很大的学问)。同样,如果你自己没有造作投入到轮回或恶道的恶业的话,也没有人能够伤害你,让你落入到轮回跟恶道。所以,真正伤害我们的,能够伤害到我们的是什么?就是我们自心当中执著有一个我的我见等等这些烦恼。
If we refrain from creating any bad karma, then even if all sentient beings gathered together to harm us, they wouldn’t be able to. If we do not perform the actions that lead to rebirth in samsara, no other being can throw us into it or cast us into lower realms. What harms us ultimately is the view of the self and the afflictions within us. The afflictions generate our motivations and the actual actions we do, the karma, are our misdeeds. There is no greater or more fundamental harm than that.
Up until now, we haven’t seen the view of the self and the afflictions as being our enemy or the cause of harm. We actually think of ego-clinging in particular as being our advisor. These thoughts of cherishing ourselves have resulted in the accumulation of many misdeeds and nonvirtues. Even with the destruction of the Earth at the end of an aeon either by fire or by water, all sentient beings and all possessions will be destroyed, but the continuum of beings cannot be stopped. To stop the sequence of being reborn in samsara, we need to train in the methods and prajna that can free us from karma and the afflictions.
方法呢,就是知道四谛——苦、集、灭、道。苦谛,像是疾病;集谛,像是疾病的原因;我们都要对于四谛,哪些是该取,哪些该舍等等的内容要有一个了解。那么佛陀在哪里有提到这样子的四谛取舍的内容呢?其实在三乘的教法当中,都有提到。这是我们一定要去学习的。当我们在做实修、修持的时候,只是口上说‘我要这样子修’,或者只是一种概念上要修行,是不行的。而是你真的要有一种急迫性,要感觉上去修持。举个例子来说,如果说有一只毒蛇突然跑到你的怀中,你会马上要把它甩掉、丢掉。同样,你的心中也有这样一条毒蛇,就是你内心中刚刚谈到的我见、我执。所以你要马上把这种‘我见’跟‘我执’,这些烦恼马上的消除。透过你的精进跟修持,要很快地、马上把它丢掉,你要有这样子的急迫性跟感受来做实修。” 米觉多杰这样子提到。
Method is practicing doing what we should do and avoiding doing what we shouldn’t, according to the Four Truths. This includes identifying karma, viewing suffering as being an illness, seeing the Truth of Origin as the cause, knowing the Four Noble Truths and so forth. This is taught in the Three Vehicles and in the sutras and tantras. Practicing them is indispensable. Moreover, we need to have an actual feeling or experience rather than relying on a mere understanding. For example, we should see the afflictions within our being as poisonous snakes. Then we must generate this intention, the diligence, and a strong feeling that we need to get away from them. Mikyö Dorje would tell people that unless we completely eliminate the pernicious illness of the view of the self, the liberation of being freed from the lower realms or achieving samsaric pleasures are not enough.
同样,一些故事当中还提到,米觉多杰听到,或真的看到,那些因为饥饿而受苦的人,没有东西吃的人,或者没有衣服穿,没有鞋子,总之,很贫困的这些人,或者有人这样子跟他说:现在的情况很糟糕等等,很痛苦。报告的时候,他自己就会好像有一种发生在自己身上的同理心。之后,当他听到说,之前跟他说很痛苦的那个人远离了痛苦了,他好一些的时候,他就会说:“啊,现在是解脱了,但是这种解脱算是真的解脱吗?他未来可能还是要继续投身恶道,领受更无量长时间的痛苦。”他就说:“当他想到这里,担心到薪火攻心一样,头昏啊、头晕,甚至身体都不舒服。”米觉多杰这样说。米觉多杰的一些弟子做这样子的记载。还有一些时候,米觉多杰会问:“之前的某某人有什么消息吗?”那个被问的人,就回答说:“没什么消息。”这时候法王就说:“难道我们不知道一切众生是沉沦在痛苦的大海中吗?” 总之,他是很担忧的,他甚至还说:“如果没有从轮回当中彻底出离,一切都是没有意义的。”(Bamboo批:米觉多杰应该先从自己整天妄想别人都沉沦在痛苦中的精神病中先解脱出来。)
Mikyö Dorje worried deeply about those without enough food or clothing or those in desperate situations just as though it were happening to himself. Even if they experienced some temporary improvement, he would still worry. He would think “they are freed of their hardship for the time being but does this count as real liberation?” He knew that until they were liberated completely, they would have to experience endless suffering in samsara.
However, although he feared the sufferings of samsara for himself and couldn’t bear the thought of the suffering of others, he knew he could help sentient beings. He said the way to free ourselves from suffering is to study and practice what the Buddha taught. The method was practicing the Four Truths and the prajna was realizing the two types of selflessness. He worked hard to habituate himself to this, and he told others to practice the Four Noble Truths in this way.
His Holiness cautioned against practicing the Dharma to gain happiness in this lifetime alone. He noted that if some people don’t have a good house or have many family problems, they say they “lack merit”. They think that practicing the Dharma is to bring happiness and to be free of suffering in this lifetime and they practice with this intention. They go to lamas who tell them there’s no real problem, that everything that arises is the display of dharmakaya. The lamas advise them to rest within confused appearances as they are without being distracted and say everything will work out. “Just sit there”, the lamas tell their students.
But many people aren’t satisfied with this response. So they try to listen to, meditate on, and contemplate the Dharma, but they do so to gain happiness in this lifetime. This is pointless. Mikyö Dorje would never do such actions himself, His Holiness stated. We listen to, meditate on, and contemplate the Dharma to attain liberation and the state of buddhahood, not to gain temporary pleasures in this lifetime.
This is a brief description of how Mikyö Dorje practiced the path of the middling individual. The rest of the text is about how he practiced the third path, that of the great individual.
Part 4: Mikyö Dorje on vegetarianism
For the rest of today’s teaching, His Holiness wanted to further explain Mikyö Dorje’s reasons for not eating meat. In large monasteries at that time, many animals would be killed. Similarly, sometimes people wanted to give good food to lamas and their entourage and so a lot of meat would be offered. Mikyö Dorje saw that this caused many difficulties so wherever he went, he would very skillfully get others to give up eating meat.
First, by prohibiting meat consumption, Mikyö Dorje was returning to earlier traditions of previous Karmapas who did not allow meat or alcohol to be brought into the Great Encampment. Second, when Mikyö Dorje was first put on the throne of the Karmapa when he was young, he did not have much freedom or control. All the power was in the hands of the Encampment’s leaders and one of their wives. At that time, all of the animals that were offered to the Encampment were killed and their flesh was eaten.
When Mikyö Dorje was young, people would approach him saying they needed to have Ganachakras with meat and alcohol. Mikyö Dorje felt this didn’t work at all. Those in the Encampment were no longer respecting the Encampment’s earlier traditions, eating meat without any restraint and drinking alcohol. Once Mikyö Dorje gained some control and influence, he made a strict rule prohibiting eating meat and drinking alcohol. He not only restricted eating meat in the Great Encampment, but he promoted vegetarianism to all Tibetans. In Mikyö Dorje’s commentary on the Vinaya, The Orbit of the Sun, he said even when we do the Gutor, the Mahakala ritual at the end of the year, we should not include meat in those offerings. In the index of his collected works, his advice to Tibetans was that it is inappropriate to eat the meat of defenseless animals.
In the next session, His Holiness would like to teach about the Great Encampment, which is intimately related to Mikyö Dorje’s activities and life story. Once we understand how and why it was first formed, it may provide insight into the Eighth Karmapa’s intentions and actions. Yet, as there is no Great Encampment now, it is difficult for us to form a mental image of what it was, what it was like, and how it flourished. However, teaching on the Great Encampment will be challenging for His Holiness because small bits of information about it are scattered across many different texts. His Holiness then ended today’s teachings with dedication prayers.
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